Chapter 20

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Dear diary
Me CHLOE and Zoey dressed epic to go to meet Beyoncé I was literally gonna scream . I mean I am still surprised that the boys gave us this as a gift . I didn't except this I expected nothing .
" Oh my gosh Nikki you look so totally hot " Zoey said .
" Wlrds just outta my mouth " CHLOE said to zoey .
" Thank u , you guys look Way cool " I said . They winked . CHLOE was wearing a pink dress that stoped at her knees . And Zoey wore a tshirt of BEYONCÉS picture in it . And I wore a dress that also stoped at my knees it said ' Beyoncé perfection ' and had some awesome designs around ,
- In the concert
You should see the crowd it was oh my god breathless , me CHLOE and Zoey got lost in the crowd and now saw each other . We bough op corn nachos and cotton candies . I love cotton candies , I seriously could eat them all day ..
" I bought Hershey's .. Cookies n creme our favs " Zoey said with a wink . Me and CHLOE ere exited yay we said .she handed us each one bar.
We went inside the concert to see such crazy fans some where crying , some where screaming and some where just frozen . We all sat in our places the boys gave us front row so we could see clearly " EEEEE " we girls said in Union .
Beyoncé was looking at the stage " Hi guys ! " she said . Everyone was screaming cheering and crying . I just smiled she sang her song . " So today we have a suprise I'm gonna be throwing away one of my scarfs right here " she said pointing at her scarf . " You guys should try to take it and if u do u will get a gift " Beyoncé said . she threw the shall and I closed my eyes trying to aim on it and when I opened my eyes it was in my hand " EEEEEEEEE" I yelled so loud . People looked so keluse some where trying to steal it away from ,
The scarf was so close to my hand that they couldn't possibly take it away .
I went up in the stage . And everyone was cheering " Hey " Beyoncé said .
" Oh my God " I said . Beyoncé just laughed . " I guess your a fan ? " she asked . I nodded my head .
" So you have two gifts one is 3 ticket to a world tour with me and the other one is you can sing with me right now " she said I just screamed soooo loud . " Thank u soooo much " I said respect clearly shown in my eyes .
" You are amazing " I said . She gave me a quick hug and we both sang .
" You have an amazing voice nikki " Beyoncé said .
" Thank u sooooo much it means so much coming from U " I said everyone was cheering and. CHLOE and Zoey where just frozen .
" Umm Beyoncé can I pls request for something ? " I said the whole place was quiet she just nodded .
" I have two of my best friends who are even more fans of u can I pls call them ?" I said .
" Sure " She said . Then zoey and CHLOE came running into the stage . Chloe burst out into tears " I LOVE U SOOOOO MUCH BEYONCÉ " She screamed Beyoncé just laughed
" I love u too dear "
Zoey just worser her hands around BEYONCÉS neck and hugged her tight. " EEEE " she said .
" Thank u so much Beyoncé I'll remember this day forever " I said a smile across my face .
Beyoncé is a true inspirations .shes amazing .
Hi guys ,
Yep another update . OMG I was so happy to see all your comments , you guys really put a smile into my face thank u so much . Please read my book called the haunting , it's amazing U guys have to read it , if u don't get it then please just go to my account and check my works U will get it .
Thank u guys so much for everything I will never forget your comments and votes I swear .

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