Your questions theyre answers

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From : read32it
Likes : Nikki.
Hates : OLIVIA
To nikki : I think you should be more like careless to the people you hate ( Not mentioning the name )
Nikki's reply : Hey read32it , well haha I would do it . But still I'd feel bad because I'm not the type of person that just hates people and dosent care for them .i care for everyone ! Even that lip gloss addicted freak💄 I love everyone in this world I don't care if they don't love me . But thank you so much for your opinion and taking time to ask me questions ❤️ this means so much to me and the author 😉
Thank you.
To OLIVIA : Back off jelouse queen , NIKKIS like way better than U . K ?
OLIVIAS reply : hey idiot .... First of all pls know that I'm fab KAY ? I'm cute aweome Why DO U THINK IM JELOUSE OF THE BOY FRIEND STEALING FREAK .your just jelouse of me 🙆 so better move on gurl .
Authors note to read32it : Thank you so much👒for your comment . Taking Time to comment is like the biggest thing for me .😜 nikki loves you already Gurrl . And if u guys where in the book Ermm I'm not suppose to say this but you'd probably be closer to Nikki than CHLOE and zoey 😝 you'd be besties . Thank yooooooou 😜 keep commenting .
From : Ilovebooks .
Likes : Nikki .
To Nikki : don't let anyone ruin your date with BRANDON . Btw OLIVIA said she's gonna break you and BRANDON apart .
Reply from nikki - Oh hey I love books 😃 yes yes I want let anyone break me and BRANDON apart , thank yooou . And OLIVIA said that ? that gurl seriously has issues. Even if BRANDON runs away with OLIVIA I'll grab him by his arms and never let him go 😉 Don't worry . And thank you soooo much for your concern to comment and tell me . It's Reeealy surprising how people support me 👍 thank you so much .
To OLIVIA : move on look BRANDON is happier , and your happy in the inside but in the out your not . They're in a relation ship soooo plsssss don't spoil it . And besides date Patrick and he's not better than BRANDON but still he's a CCP Plss date pat the rat .
OLIVIAS reply: I'm never moving on BRANDON was mine first and he's gonna be mine to the last . And I'm never ver happy to see BRANDON with that dork . I don't care if they're in a relation ship . Nooo way Patrick ewwwww . He's such a flirt .WHY DONT U DATE HIM ! He's cute tho but brandy is better .
Authors note to Ilovebooks : Nikki literally cried when she read UR words seriously she loveeee U . She wishes that U guys where sisters wowwwww . DAYUM girl U sure made OLIVIA angry tho .good job round of a applause from me . Thank u soooo mcuh for your comments it makes me soooooooo happy to see that people actually comment . And keep doing that and being cool ? KAY
That's all for now bye

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