Authors note

524 17 7

Lately I've been doing a lot of authors note , you guys <3
8.35 k this is freaking awesome , I love this <3 this means a lot .
So Suprise shout outs
Here goes
👉 Sandra_park , Becksgirlygirl , me_noely ,dorkepokeymonfan ,dorksdiarieslover ,nematagline ,jellie12 ( Special shout out for commenting alotttt eeeee THANX ) , Umaya , Ect 👈 YOU GUYS <3 omg you guys are awesome and the utter best the anyone in this whole wide world :) thanx soooo much you guys are the best reader anyone could ever get on watt pad ( besides me lol )
Yew guys are <3 aaaamZjng
Thanxxxx soooo much without U I wouldn't even have 3 viewers . 3 followers 2 comments where literally impossible for me . Anyways thanx muaaah . You better pray for me for my exams cause I keep updating everyday for U :) and also tommor . I liked U .
Than x and bye
keep voting commenting liking sharing and rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off

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