Authors note

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Won't be updating chapters for the next two weeks . :( sorry I have EXAMS LIKE ON SUNDAY ! And I can't believe I'm here !!! Sorry :( but I need UR comments and votes and wishes Kay ?
Cause they make me feel special 😇
Oh and thanks to everyone who wished me on my birthday , you guys will always have a special place in my heart <3
I'm finally 15 !!!!!!!!!
Anyways my exams are going to be on the next Sunday we don't have holdiay!!!!!!
Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday , Thursday , Sunday , Monday and Tuesday THATS WHEN IN FREEEEE we have holidays in Friday and Saturday . We usually have on Sunday and Saturday here in New York .
But just cause of exams theyyyyyyy changed it , if u guys have exams U guys need to STOP YES STOP CLOSE UR WHATEVER IT IS ( Tab , computer , iPad Ect ) and take your books and study !!! Just a few more weeks then we will be freee . I can't wait for when exams over . But I need a very important thing from you guys ? And it's worth like a lakh .
Your prayers . Your wishes , your blessings . Allll I need is a little support . I will come here again on the next to next Tuesday and see your guys comments and votes and follows and reply to everyoneeeee Kay ? The updates GONNA be soooooo SHOCKING AND PAWSOME !!!!!!! You guys gonna LOVEEEE it . Wait and watch my lilies .
Oh between thanx for ur random votes and follows and comments. But I love comments more than vote soooooo if u think I'm ok vote. :)
If u think I'm Good :) follow .
If you think I'm PAWSOME . Comment :)
If you think IM THE BEST . Vote and comment :)
If YA think I'm your guys role model vote comment share follow Ect ( I like U people the best 😆 you guys be my real lilies )
Byeee lilies
Vote comment share follow and keep rocking 💕
~ Lilly23455 signing off

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