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Hey guys , 

I have  one great news and one terrible news , the great news is I have a new book , it's called falling in love , if you don't find it on the search in wattpad please type my name and u  will get my story. 

Anyhow that story is amazing and I'm just in love with it you must must must read it , I will be updating every single day !!!!!! 

wohoo . And the bad news is dork diaries is gonna end =c very very very soon . It has been an amazing journey ! And you guys have been awesome ! You guys have been giving awesome comments vote and. FREAKING awesome sharing . I want to thank each and every one of you . For sharing this book towing the time to comment and vote . And just reading it in general . I really want you guys to come with me to my other journey with the book falling in love !!!!

It's a bit more mature book. So yeah you guys will love it . I don't think there will be a squeal in dork diaries now . It's just I have grown very old and dork diaries is just not my type now . I'm into more mature book right now I think there will only be 4 or 5 ish more chapter until we have to say goodbye to dork diaries.  But when I'm gone ... And when this book ends I still want you to keep sharing it if you want read if again ! And if you feel bored with the book please read the new book trust me you guys will love . It's a romantic teen fiction book the book is soo beautiful . 

I thank you guys again for your awesome votes and comments . It means more than slot to me . Each of your comments and votes are just so precious . I know I don't reply at times that's just because I'm a lazy butt XD hahah but I read it trust me and they're the most amazing comments ever and you guys are the best readers ever =D so yeah in the end of the book I will let you all talk to one of your favorite characters in the book =D the ones you hate and the ones you love a lot. 

Anyways thanks a lot for everything please please please read my new book falling in love. 

Anyho that's all for now TOODLES . 

How can I ever forget the wonderful times when I said 

Keep commenting voting sharing reading and rocking 

~lilly23455 signing off 

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