Authors note

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Hi :) <3
Sorry it's not a update :( . But there's a good news so YA better smile :) <3 CUZ u LOOKK pweety .
Anyhoo , my gift for y'All for being so nice and commenting is you guys get to talk to Nikki , BRANDON , CHLOE , MACKENZIE , zoey , theo and Brianna !
Yeeeep . You can ..... I'll give u an example . My cousin gave this question its like this . Btw my cousins name I can't say so let's just keep her BRITNEY
Britney - Hey , BRANDON <3
BRANDON - Oh hi yiur a fan from our story .
Britney - Yeah , I love u soooo much <3 your perfect . * hugs BRANDON *
BRANDON - Thnx Britney but I have a girl friend .
Britney - I don't care * gives a big kiss in BRANDONS cheek *
Brandon - Umm, Excuse me .
Britney - Love u .
That was an example lol it was hilarious . So you get to ask questions like Brianna why are u such a brat . Theo your an idiot . Or SOME Randon weird things :) my gift to y'all and your names will be in my nook . I'll give another example of mine .
Lilly- Hiiiiii , nikki .
Nikki - *Writes in her book * hi .
Lilly - I'm a huge fan of yours . I think we should kick MACKENZIEs butt .
Nikki - Gurrl , I'm liking you <3
Lilly - really :) I think your not a dork and your realllly presets :) I love u .
Nikki - Haha I love u too .
Then here's another example .
Lilly - hi Mack and cheese .
MACKENZIE - * puts layer of lipstick * what did u call me ? I'm MACKENZIE dork !
Lilly - Diva brain . You do look like Mack and cheese .
Lilly - in yo dreams Mack and cheese
Hahaa that was a good one so what u have to do now is follow these instructions ...
1.Vote .
2.comment , who U wanna talk to.
3. What question do wanna ask .
That it that's allll,,
YA gotta smile :) now keeeeep commenting please oh and I'll continue the actual story after all this is over so don't be sad <3

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