Chapter 44

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Dear diary
I inhaled and exhaled inhaled and exhaled . Man I hate this OLIVIA .she is just messed up :3 i I hate her .
I blocker her . I know I told OLIVIA that I will tell BRANDON ABIUT her and she is probably terrified now but I don't wanna break they're friendship . I wanna give her a chance ! But she isn't allowing me too .
I sighed as I got a text from MACKENZIE . :3 since when does she talk to the dork ✌️😕✌️
Mackenzie - Hey Nikki :)
Nikki - Umm yea ?
MACKENZIE - Imma ask BRANDON to the spring fling Kay ?
Nikki - WOW MACKENZIE I NEVER KNEW ( pure sarcasm 😒 )
Mackenzie - Wazzup with U ?
Nikki - a Asif you can !
Mackenzie - Nikki , ermm . I wanted to say I'm um sorry . For everything !
Nikki - Reaaly ? 😨
MACKENZIE - Yah :) and I wanted to know if we can be friends <3
Nikki - MACKENZIE PLS pinch me I must be dreaming :0
MACKENZIE - Lolz ... I'm serious .
Nikki - Okai fine ....
Mackenzie - Yaaaaaa am I now in your group
Nikki - Aaa no . But I need to ask a few questions . Tell me everything ABIUT U from the bottom to the top and why u have changed !
Mackenzie - Welll .... I really like BRANDON but then I realized naaaa he likes U and I have to move on but I found this really cute guy ( EEEEE ) he gives me the charms 😁 oh and hon , I don't Reeealy love lipstick I just do that around the CCPS U and BRANDON :)
Nikki - Ermm and do u need to apologize for anything ?
Mackenzie - Oh yeah right 😅 Sorry . Lol
Nikki - Ok fine . But MACKENZIE if I find out your scheming something I swear ! You will be Never forgiven.
Mackenzie - 😂 Nooo I won't do that he he , anyways bye bff.
Nikki - Ermm bff ? Umm I guess 😒 bye ?
Mackenzie - Byeeeee
That was officially reeeealy awkuaed
I sighed . Closed my eyes shut . I sighed.
CHLOE - Dude , we got a truth or dare ! We must do it for the fans .
Nikki - Righty <3 yea Ill do it for my fans <3 and to my fans who are reading this I love u a lot PLS keep supporting me :) U guys are a major part in my life .
CHLOE - Tehe oh and btw MACKENZIE Brianna and OLIVIA are gonna be there .
Nikki - OLIVIA ^_^
Chloe - Yeah .... Why .
Nikki - Oh n never mind . Where the truth or dare held in ?
Chloe - Brandons place .
Nikki - Kay bye
- Later .
I put a light shade of lipgloss and a bit of mascara . I went o he truth or dare and knocked at BRANDONS door . BRANDON looked o_O cute .
He had his tie and suit and looked like a gentle men . I sighed .
" Drooling over me already Maxwell ? " BRANDON said with a smirk . I chuckled and playfully hit his arms .
" Shut up " I said and entered his house wow he decorated good . His house was decorated with truth or dare sign . It looked perf . We all sat down .
" Where's Oli ? " BRANDON asked . Oli ? Ugh whatever why do I care .
That's when she appears as beautiful as ever her hair flying in her eyes and an awesome outfit . I inhaled and exhaled . I just wanna rip her head out . She walked in .

She gave me a deathly care I rolled my eyes and looked the other way .
" Oh hey angel :) " BRANDON said giving her a hug . I don't know why
My heart burned :( I felt asif the Stars collided .
* Dare in text ways *
( spinner the bottle and

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