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Hey =)

Lilly here , well pb obviously . This book has been such a great an awesome journey for me . I started This book like 1 year ago ? And I never thought it would even reach 30 reads .

This book was just for fun =) and it was just ... AMAZING. I loved writing . I got views votes and comments saying the SWEEETEST THINGS . I replied to all of them thanking allottttt.

=) yiu guys were the main reason this book has over 43ks

I remember having 1k and literally screaming going all yaaay . It's hilarious nah?

=) thanks to all you people who took time to read who took time to comment saying the sweetest things .

Unfortunately all good things has to have an end . mine wasn't that happy .i won't have a squel.

But U can ALLLWAYS read my ammmmazing fanfic "Jelena"

Anyways I hope you people loooooove this book .

I shall edit it again


Keep voting commenting and rocking


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