Chapter 26

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Me and Brandon chuckled as we saw MACKENZIE . I got a text .
Text .
CHLOE - Sup gurl ( Luv u <3 )
Nikki - Luv u too but why are u getting emotional all of a sudden ?
CHLOE - Errmm . I am not ? It's just that i <3 U sooooo much '
Nikki - Ok what do u want ?
Chloe - Nikki , the fans want us to do a truth or dare .
Nikki - * sighs * NO !
Chloe - love u plssssss * puppy dog face *
Nikki - No No No . I'm tired of these dares .
Chloe - Come on girl .
Nikki - No ?
Chloe - you be so cute .
Nikki - omg me and Brandon always get bad at each other's for truth and dares
Chloe - OMG YES ? Thank u ... Love love love uuuuuu . Cutie babe .
Nikki - Wait I never said yes .
Nikki - CHLOE .

She I sighed CHLOE CHLOE another truth or dare hate my life.
So here we go .
" The first one is NIKKI !! " Chloe said . I sighed .
" Would U date a attractive poor person or a rich and ugly person " Zoey said . I face palmed
" Attractive and poor person , because to me it dosent matter if the person is rich or not . But they gotta be attractive " I said blushing like anything .
" Ok no the dare is for for for MARCUS . Give a aunty kiss to the person in your left leaving lip stick alllll over the person " I said . Marcus laughed . He looked at the person in the left AND IT WAS CHLOE .
" Aaah Noo " CHLOE said .
" Oh yes babe " Marcus said giving a long kiss to CHLOE .
" Love u <3 butterfly " he said .
" Awww babes U be the best " Chloe said giving a quick peck In marcuses cheek . Marcus smiles . He p in a thick layer of lip gloss . " Ewww " he said . We all laughed BRANDON took a picture of him .
" LOLZ " we all laughed like anything . I smiled . And he gave CHLOE a big kiss in the lips and the cheek . She stood there speechless .
" Now dare is is is FOR THEO kiss the person in your Right and tell her U love her " I said . I looked t theo to see who's in his left it was CHLOE . Zoey looked sad .
:( not another break up plsss . We had enough .
" That's cool with me cause CHLOES a hot chick " Theo said . Marcus looked at theo asif he was gonna punch out his jaws .
" Don't u dare say that to my girl " He says almost going to beat theo .
" STOP " Chloe said . " And THNK'S Theo , your a hot dude too <3 " she said .
I looked at both of them confused Zoeys eyes were filled with tears .
" a Shut the heck up "
Hey guys :) ( sup ? )
Another update . Happy ? Anyhoo . Cliffhanger lol . U guys deserve it !!! Start commenting .
If u comment it makes me happy . Happy as hell . So comment comment comment comment Kay Kay ?
Anyways U guys be sooooo BEAUTIFUL / cute
I'll update after a year ( note the sarcasm probably after 3 days )
Anyways keep commenting voting sharing reading and commenting ( I know I said it two times :P I'm weird like that )
Anyways bye

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