Chapter 49

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I opened my eyes too see me in the sight of my room . I coughed coughed coughed like a lot.
" I need water " I said with a sour throat .
I covered my mouth . And when I was gonna take the water I checked my hand and saw blood 😔 oh no the symptoms that the doctor said was gonna work is already on its work !
OMG what am I gonna dooo ?
I couldn't breathe . I needed I needed OMG . I CANT BREATHE. that's when BRANDON came running to me he gave me pills and I slept ........
I FREAKED OUT ! OMG I can't see nikki like this one more . I dialed the doctors number .
" Doctor . NIKKIS symptoms have already started ! I gave her the pills and she's asleep now " I told him .
" Wait , oh my Goodness . Her symptoms have shown already ? God . That's a bad news . Look at her hands and legs and see if she has scars ? " he asked me . I checked her legs and hands and surprisingly saw a lot of scars .
" Yes there's a lot " I said .
" That's such a bad news ! She'll have to start her treatment tomorrow itself . . PLS don't worry " he said
I cut the phone and looked at nikki
Tears scrolled down my eyes and I saw a text in NIKKIS phone I threw the phone down and cried TIL she woke up .
I felt terribly bad . Nikki opened her eyes slowly .
" B BRANDON ? Th thank you for for everything ! For your love and c care " she said I gave her a tight hug .
" I'll always be there for you ," I said
Next update soon 6 Comments 8 votes ;) rock on

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