Chapter 37

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Graduation , Partayyyyy OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL YAY . GRADUATION PARTAAAYYYYY OUT OF HUGH SCHOOLL YAYAY . I chuckled . I'm outta of high school finally No MACKENZIE ! No JESSICA ! No idiots .
This was my last day of school . And maybe me and Zoey CHLOE will not be in the same collage and maybe I'll be separated form b BRANDON . I went to the school and I saw a face smiling at me .
" Hey , your nikki right ? " This very cute guy said . Cute asin friendly cute .
" Yeah I'm Nikki :) And you are ? " I said . He chuckled .
" I'm Michael , remember we chatted ? Yelp that's me " He said . Ohhhhh Michael .
" Oh Gosh , it's so great to meet you " I said shaking his hand and he nodded .
" Too bad I got to see you when tomorrow's graduation " he said . And I nodded .
" Yeah , but I'm really glad I'm outta here " I said as he laughed . Awwwww such a adorable laugh .
" Awwwwww" I said to him and he raised his eye brow .
" Your laugh it's adorable don't get me wrong I'm saying in a friendship way " I said and he chuckled .
He nodded .
" Well , Nikki , I have to be getting to class right now , and it was a pleasure meeting U " he said . I laughed a bit and nodded .
" Mhm " I mumbled . And he went then I saw BRANDON walking towards me .
" Oh hey Beautiful girl " he said . I smashed my lips into his cheeks .
" Thanx , babe . " I said and blushed .
" EH ? Babe ? Thanx . Anyways We be graduated tomorrow " he said grabbing me into a hug .
" I love yew " I said to him he nodded ..
" That was REALLLY random , but I'm crazy for U " he said and I chuckled .
" We should be getting to class , can u come malady ? " he said Bowing INFRONT of me . I laughed .
" Yes , Your majesty " I said and went with him holding hands like we were in a palace ... We walked to the class and saw couple of people staring at us . And some glaring .
" People , NOW I NEED U . To speak a couple words about your class " the teacher said .
" Let's see the first on Umm Nikki maxwell ? " He said I nodded . I went up in the front .
" Umm , it was a great experience in this school , I learned so much . Well obviously not only study's ( Which I wasn't so fond of ) I learned life . I had enemies , friends , people that I love . The teachers where so generous . And they let me share everything . The people in this class JEESH you guys <3 will always have a special place in my heart . Even though some of you will go to your home country's . Or other collages I will always remember U . And I hope u remember me . The .Dork . Or as MACKENZIE likes to say BUG GIRL . I've learned so much from my enemies . I've been bullied and punished for the most random thing . But this place . Is my second home . And I'll never forget it . " I said ending my speech . Everyone was with Teary eyes even MACKENZIE ! They all gave me a round of applause . I guess I just can't wait for graduation .
I put on my hat . And out on my uniforms . My parents came with me and gave me a big hug .
" My honey is finally graduated " Mom said . I chucked we took pictures with dad mom Brianna me alone . And then we went to school . The last time I'm seeing this place . I sat down and saw my friends I ran up to them and we did a group hug .
" OMG , I'm gonna miss this school " I said . Well I felt like crying you know surprisingly yes . I will definitely miss the drama of high school :( . I saw Brandon and gave him a big kiss .
" This is it " he said give me a peck on my lips .
" I " he said pecking me in my lips .
" Love " I said pecking him in his lips .
" YOU " we said together and gave each other one long kiss. I smiled and the thoughts . My mom and dad took pictures WELL ALOT . Pictures of me and CHLOE and Zoey . Pictures of BRANDON and me . AND VARIOUS PICTURES .
" Ahem ahem , I'd like to call , the graduation students but before it all I wanna tell you guys that I love each one of U . Even though I was really harsh to you guys . IT WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE WITH U " the teacher said we all called so Loud .
" So ahem the first one is MACKENZIE " mam said everyone clapped . MACKENZIE flipped her hair and went up to the stage .
" Umm being here was tots fab , you guys are such hons , but there are a lot of dorks . Which I hate . Anyhoo I know I made your life's fab . And it was great meeting meh and alone . Cause YA know IM BEAUTIFUL PERFECT , and everything Kay Kay? Be rude to me I kick yo butt " she said . WOW I still hate that Wanna be .
" Well , that was Umm INTERESTING makenzie " Teacher said .
" And next is Nikki maxwell ". my mom and dad took the pictures as I went to stage Brianna howled sooo loud I was happy . I went up to the stage .
" Through out my experience in this school I found out there are awesome people here . And they have so much courage . And most of us are really smart . People think life is just easy . But it really isn't that easy but you can make it by just putting a smile in your face and saying I can do it . Always encourage yourself when your down . Cause if you try and do it you would be better than the wisest person in this school . Maybe even the teachers ( everyone laughed to that ) I know that life maybe LIVING HELL for someone but you can make it heaven if u just try ! You must try :) you must put a smile in your face and try . Through out my experience here I figured out that everyone's just sooo smart . But you guys just keep pushing yourself with negative comments believe me even I do that a lot . And it dosent help .remember , Everyone wants happiness no one wants pain , but you can't have a rain bow without a little rain .
Thank you " I said ending my speech everyone clapped and smiled a lot even the teachers . I nodded and bowed .
We all threw our hats Up me CHLOE zoey theo MARCUS BRANDON
" To the PAWSOME SCHOOL EVER" we all said .
I looked at BRANDON and kissed him in his cheeks .
" I will never forget yew BRANDON " I said he smirked a bit and smashed his lips and kissed me passionetly .
" I will never forget you , princess " I said and we chuckled and hugged .
" BRANDON , your the best thing that has ever happened to me . :) I don't know what I did to meet you ! ,set someone as awesome as you :) I love you and I swear even if the earth turn into prices I WILL NEVER Stop loving you . You gave me everything from happiness to surprises from surprises to awesome ness from love to support . .your my everything BRANDON . My sunshine my sun my moon . And your smile just lights up my world <3 and I swear I can't live without that smile and smirk on your face " I said and his eyes was Teary he kissed me in my cheeks .
" I love yew nikki " he said putting his fore head on mine .
" I love u BRANDON " I said .
Then I went to CHLOE zoey , theo And Marcus we alll did a big group hug . I hugged CHLOE alone and Zoey alone and theo alone but not MARCUS :( I won't tell CHLOE about what happened she'll defiantly be hurt but not today .
" Thanks CHLOE and Zoey I love u " I said hugging them again . They gave me frames of us together and rings I have them necklaces .Brandon came closer to me .
" Here " he said putting a ring in my hand .
" I'm in love with you nikki . " he said .
" Baby , I've been in love with you since the first time we've met" I said
Keep reading voting commenting sharing and rocking .
~Lilly23455 signing off .

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