Chapter 30

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I slapped opened the book .
Dear diary
Loves amaze ...... Yeah I'm in love <3 with Nikki , she's everything I want . I'm really like really blessed to have her as my girl . I sighed as my mom called me down .
Mom - BRANDON , hi dear . Today's movie night ;) we get to watch movies .
BRANDON - is dad coming ?
Mom - Not really .
BRANDON - but mom .... He never comes . He always bails on us . I just want us to have a FAM time together .
Mom - I'm so sorry dear .
BRANDON - Why dosent he like me :( what did I do to him .
Mom - Awww he loves you so much dear and U have no idea how much .
Brandon - Well I hate him ,
Mom - * Gasp*
BRANDON - I'm sorry mom :( I can't take this anymore that's why .
Mom - I understand kiddo * gives a big hug and kiss in the cheeks * I'm there for YA Kay ? Your never alone .
BRANDON - mom. You and nikki are the only girls on my life .
Mom - Nikki ?
Brandon - Umm No I meant nikk ii a new chocolate .
Mom - Oh ok ?
I shut the book close and kept it under the bed so quick cause heard BRANDONS footsteps . BRANDON has gone through so much . I'm sorry BRANDON but I have to hide that I read your diary . I have to hide that I know everything .
I don't want him to hate me . I'm not gonna tell this to anyone except you . Ok never taking the risk .
" Hi BRANDON " I said giving a huge smile .
" Hi nikki ? " He said .
" so let's talk " I said patting next to his bed telling him to sit there . He nodded and sat down there .
" Tell me about your family " I said . He nodded .
" I love my family . My mom is is is so supportive in everything . She is so so down to earth . She's my inspiration . She's who I wanna be . " He said . I looked at him with an eyebrow raised .
" And. ? YOUR your your dad " I whispered . He widened his eyes .
" There's nothing to say about him " he said looking down . I smiled .
" There's everything a dad Is everything to a son " I said . He just smiled .
" Tell me about your family ! " he said . I nodded .
" My family <3 purr-Fect people . My mom aha my MOM ! Omg she is the best moms of all moms in this world . You can never find one as loving as her . She she lightens up my world . When I smile she smiled . When I was in 6th grade . She thought me SST while she was having a really bad fever . I told her to stop and take rest I can do this on my own . She loved me too much that she couldn't let me fail . This lady <3 I love her , she's my life , my everything . My dads <3 that man is the definition of amazing , omg he's just so so perfect . He's my inspiration <3 he smiles I smile . He gets a little mood off at times ;3 and I hate to see him in those times . But that's very rare . He loves me like no dad ever does . I love him sooooooo much , even though I might find a prince one day he will always be my king <3 " I said . Brandon just smiled .
" you forgot Brianna " he said . I just chuckled .
" Brianna <3 my little girl . She's REALLLY bratty :3 pathetic . Stoopid . Dumb . AND UGHHHH. But in the only one who can say that none else got the rights . And if anyone hurts her I'll pluck they're face off . <3 she's the most adorable thing in a weird way , she might be sooooo annoying . I DONT CARE . SHES MY EVERYTHING . I CANT IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT HER ;( ITS LIKE EATING NACHOS WIHOUT CHEESE OR SAULSA . JUST EWW . I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HER Brianna <3 I love u . " I said ending my whole lot of words to my bratty sister Brianna .
" Wow you sure do love your family " he said , I nodded my head . Well obviously I do , they mean the world to me smile smile smile . They never make me cry cry cry .
" And me ? " he said. I blushed so much
" Yew BRANDON ..... Your different . It's not the love o feel with my family . It's something unique <3 it's something that two hearts can feel . It's love . I feel butterfly down my stomach . What's this BRANDON ? Something special unique , your so so hot ! And your just oh Emm ge " I said drooling at him except I only said it in my mind so none can hear it ,
" Your my boyfriend . And I love u <3 :) " I said . He just gave me a quick hug .
" Babe , I love u too " He said , I could feel the chills since he has called me babe . WOW ! :) I feel great . I could do my happy dance .
I got a text
Mom - dear , it's getting late . Come home.
Nikki - already ?
Mom - it's 10:50
Nikki - I'll be right there :3
Mom - see YA kiddo .
Nikki - see ya mom .
I sighed .
" BRANDON , I have to go sorry . " I said . He just smiled .
" My mom REALLLY likes u :) " he said .
Really eeee.
" I love her . " I said . As he just chuckled .
" I'll drop U down . " he said . I smile and nodded and followed him . I said bye to his mom and gave her a big hug . I went outside of the door.
" I had a great time BRANDON , thanx for having me here " I said . Smiling .
" Thanx for being here " He said I smiled . And gave him a big hug .
" I guess it's a success for both of us . Our parents like each other " i said as he smiled .
" Yeah , I i love u nikki " he said . I put my Hand to my lips .
" Omg me too , I love u BRANDON " I said and gave him a huge hug . And he kissed me . Eeee he actually did . :) my life is perf for now . I'm in love with me . I'm in love with BRANDON <3
,Omg a update for a longggg time. Sorry to keep you waiting thanks for U guys who's been so patient . You guys are truely the best readers . Keep reading and commenting and voting and rocking
~ Lilly23455 signing off .

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