Chapter 24

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Mackenzies POV
I chuckled and went to my huge room . Diary diary . BRANDONS falling for my tricks :P . Soon I a, the one who's going to be his boyfriend . Not today but forever . This Is all an act . A cute sweet act . I STALKED BRANDON and found out everything he likes . Me and BRANDON can finally be together . And none not even that dork nikki can STOP US . MUHAHAHAHAHAA .
I looked at myself on the mirror AHHH I look hideous . I put on my make up and put on 6 layers of thick lipstick . I called Jessica .
" Hey hon " I said twirling my hair .
" Sup ... How's everything going with BRANDON eh ? " Jessica said .
" My plans are working perfect . He even kissed me . AND I AM HIS GIRL FRIEND " I said jumping up and down . She eeped . " This is amazing . Wait TIL nikki finds out ." Jessica said .
" Oh Hon . I will take care of that . Nikki will be DESTROYED . " I said me and Jessica had a huge laugh.
- At school
I smiled as I saw BRANDON .
" Hey BRANDON " I said in this real sweet voice. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.
" Hey princess " he said giving me a Wink . Being his girlfriend sure is great .
I smiled t MACKENZIE and gave her a peck on the lips . I saw nikki on the other locker looking hurt .
My eyes where filled with concern but she just left.
" Hon Uhm I mean BRANDON I have to go to ma class bye " she said giving me a long passoinet kiss . I kissed her back . And then I saw her diary . SHE KEEPS A DIARY ??
It was written Mackenzie's diary . I gave a look at it . I kept it on my bag . I can't wait to see what she feels about me .
sup diary ? I can't wait to read MACKENZIEs diary EEEE
I jumped to my bed took out mackenzies diary . MACKENZIES diary was very pink and fluffy . So here goes
Everything .
January 1
Dear diary
I really didn't wanna be a dork and write in YA but why don't I just give it a try ? I'm applying lipstick they just make me look so incredibly hot .
So anyways I decided to make BRANDON MINE . he's so hot . But also dumb for falling for that dork . I have to make a plan a genius plan to make them hate each other .
Even the fans thinks so . I was reading this book bout ma life and see the comment .
Fan - I root for BRANDON and MACKENZIE .
Mackenzie - hon , U be the best ? If I were there to meet YA , I'd give u ma lipstick :) keep rooting for us .
Uh . People just love me 😏
Oh another message .
Fan - nikki and Brandon are so cute together :) FOREVER BRANIKKI .
Mackenzie - you dork ! You even made a name for them *rolls eyes * no lipstick for u !
Anyways bye hon diary .
January 2
Dear dIary
I need to destroy BRANDON AND NIKKI . They're a couple now . Can u believe it . This is so stupid . BRANDON U belong with meeeeeee * sings song * waaaa why can't u seeeeeee . U belong with me . I asked Jessica her answer was so dumb she can be a dork at times .
Mackenzie - Jessica U need to help me out . I need to destroy them * puts 3 layers of thick lipstick* .
Jessica - I don't know .
Jessica - Stop being so rude to me * rolls eyes * .
Mackenzie - hon , just GIMMI a clue .
Jessica - Hmm U could back bite About each other to each other 😮
Mackenzie - That's the lamest idea I have eve heard 😪
Jessica - Atleast I'm helping U
Mackenzie - Bye 😐
January 3
I found this plan which is genius Diary ... YA need to know .
Brandon is attending to this football match ( drools ) accoRding to my stalking information , he's gonna be there with his dudes. I have told this totally hot cheerleader to kiss him in the lips . and I made Nikki find that out :) YEP THEYRE BROKEN INA. SEC EEEEP can't wait to see if my plan works .
Jan 4th
EEEE it worked . Me and Brandon are officially girl friend and boy friend WE KISSED 😘 it was hot . I could feel it and did I mention it was passionate . Eeee I'm such a genius . He even keeps hugging me . Oh BRANDON . U have fallen to my tricks .
Mackenzie - I made a plan and if worked Jessica .
Mackenzie - everyone does now even BRANDON <3
Jessica - YA guys gonna be so hot .
Mackenzie - we already are .
Bye diary love ya kiss kiss
I could feel tears falling down my cheek . That diva !!! Omg my nikki . I screwed up big time . What do I do .
Eeeeee . I'm so sad and yet too happy THANK U ALL FOR UR COMMENTS AND VOTES MAKES ME FLY . these wings are made to fly . I'm firing up on that run away lol if I keep singing I'm gonna finish the whole song so lol :) YA guys rock. No no don't look behind yes u . You who are reading behind that screen . You rock your awesome and beautiful . Never forget that Kay ? Kay ?

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