Chapter 61

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I was my usual jumpy me xD lik I always am . I went to the market and bought lots of things CHOCOLATE I BOUGHT LOTSSS OF EM ... AHAHAHAHAHA I'm so kidding .
Oh god . Then I went home no rushed home xP to tell ma mama and dad about Brandon !!!! I stared at my building and saw lots of people outside... What happened ?!?
I asked a kind man .
" hey what happened here ?!? " I asked
" oh a major fire in lift number 32 " he said . I stood there shocked . My eyes not blinking even a little . My my my house is in floor number 32 NOOO wait my parents .
" uhm so did anyone Get injured " I asked . He looked at me for a second .
" yeah the apartment 3201 . They died " he said . I felt tears in my eyes I looked down . I I I =( I wanted to die kill me . My knees went straight down an I cried not stoping a bit , everyone looked I didn't care . Right now I wanted my parents . My mom my my dad . I I I cried and cried and cried . OMG MY MOM!!! MY DAD !!! I have n none . I called someone anyone and the only people who I cud think of now is Zoey and Chloe .
I called zoey first .
" Hello Zooey " I said crying .
" Nikki ?! WHY ARE U CRYING OMG " she said . I cried bitterly and took a deep breath .
" See I went to the market and when I came back there there there was a fire in my building and in my house my parents ... " I said breaking down and crying again .
" WHAT ?!? OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO UR PARENTS ...." She said frightened and scared .
" they they . They're dead " I said crying bitterly and didnt even believe myself .
" WHAT ?!? OMG NIKKI IM COMING ROGHT OUTTA UR BUILDING " se said and hung up. I sighed next Chloe I called her to and explained everything they both came to me .
" OMG NIKKI " they both said in unison . I ran to them and hugged them .
" CHLOE ZOEY I I I HAVE NONE " I Said crying . They looked at me .
" you have us =) we are family . Okay ?!? Don't ever ever say Tht u can stay at either mine or Chloe's house k ?!? " zoey said and Chloe just gave me a hug . Right now I'm just glad to have the two most awesomest bffs ever .
Twist xD u lik ?! Duhh no. This was a very sad chapter right ?! U guys need to comment RIP NIKKI'S parents ok ?! Anyways u guys comment sweetest things I swear xD keep that up ha ?!
Byeeeeeeee lilies

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