Your questions

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Nikki - Wow someone wrote something for me :O
Fan - Nikki your fab and look like a real CCP what's your secert .
Nikki - Thanx soooooo much I really look like a CCP ? Awww your sweet. Paolina , and my secret to be honest I don't really have a secret . I am who I am , a dork :P and I'm cool with that . So whoever you are Paolina I think your so much more pretty than me . And the secret behind my happiness is that I be me l so U do you ! Thnx so much I never knew someone would actually think I look like a CCP . Gurrl if I met you we would be bffffffs <3 ( Great friend ) Thnx oh and between this awesome girls name is Paolina .
Hah this was an awesome question , btw I took some questions from my real life friends and from Twitter . So enjoy .
Fan - MACKENZIE , why you always got to be a wh*re. You try to much you should try your ragady .this is not how we treat people in USA . I don't know where u come from probably wh*re land United b*tchy nation so yeah stop tying people or I'll come in the story and make your life not miserable but horrible .
MACKENZIE - wow , your such a GOSSIP MEAN WANNA BE ! How rude of U . You as*hole You ain't doing anything to me you dork . * puts layer of lipstick * I ain't bitchy I am hot which you aren't ...
Nikki - shuttap MACKENZIE . I like this girl . She's got swag in her . Which you don't .
Mackenzie - I think dork don't deserve to speak ?
Nikki - I think divas don't deserve to be MEAN .
Mackenzie - pfft she's crazy like u .
Nikki- dorkeyftpokeymon don't worry MACKENZIE hasn't had her mess yet.
Mackenzie - God your such a b*tch.
Nikki - omg Mackenzie 😁 your one too !!!!!
,Hah this was an awesome dare now the next one is for BRANDON .
.Fan - Eeeee BRANDON , your amazing :) Im a huge fan of yours btw I'm in America too :) I love u soooooo much . I've been really depressed lately and I don't know why it may sound lame but help me. Awesomeness
BRANDON - Awww thnx so much rose , I love u TOOO . <3 your like my friend . I love u as my friend . I wish you can come to the book world . Me you and nikki would've went to fuzzy friends and had fun a lot .
PLS be positive why be negative . Don't be depressed don't waste your life on hating ..... If u asked me who I hate I don't hate Any one I'm too busy loving them :) so PLS be strong I love u ( As a friend ) and I know you can go through this . Okay .
This one is for Hmm CHLOE .
Fan - CHLOE , Eee yiur my favorite in this book my name is Melissa . And I think your best even more than nikki :) you should be the main character and fall in love with BRANDON and not MARCUS I love u so much <3
CHLOE - Oh hi Melissa , I'm your favorite ? omg THNX Gurrl your make meh smile . Well I am not best than nikki . And nikki and me are bffs so Plss don't say that . Me I'm also the main character no one pushes me out people love me just like they love nikki I'm really GRATEFUL for you all . I don't wanna fall in love with BRANDON !!!!! No ways haha I love him sooooooooo much like my bro . And Marcus that's a different story <3 it's a love story . I feel different with him I get the chills down my spines I don't feel like that when I'm wit BRANDON . Anyways love u sooooo much toooo girl <3 muaaaaaah .
Zoey your Up,her.
Fan - eeeee zoey your fashion style * *
I wanna be like u ..... Cuz your just so perfect . I love u and I wanna marry you .
Zoey - Awwwww thx. I wanna be like u !!!!!! Cuz your positive . I love u but I can't marry you haha I wanna may um theo :) but I love u soooooooo much :) k k
Theo and Marcus your turn
Fan - OMGGG theo and Marcus you guys are super hawt 0 0 Madeline
Theo and Marcus - Thanx Juliet Haha we hot ? Love ya for saying that .
DONE MY WORK IS DONE . You guys happy ? Now I want you all to comment . Comment comment and COMMENT . comment down below who do u like
1) Nikki or MACKENZIE's answer
2) CHLOE or Zoeys answer .
3) BRANDON or MARCUS and theos answer
Your choice I will update reallllly late and I dedicate this chapter TOOO " natilaviz , Baileymj , nematagline and chicks4life . " they comment but didn't write why questions so I felt it was unfair not to write they're named in my book so here U go thnx 👋✋👏ssoooo much you guys are beautiful YOUR ROCKING and also a huge huge huge dedication tooooo dorkybzpokemon and Paoline for commenting awesome epic QUESTION U go girl 🙌👊👐👏
And shout outs to awesome people on Twitter Melissa278, Madeline awesome mess Ect . Thanxxzxxx so much you guys are great fans I'll not update always now on words so U guys have to understand !!!!!!!!!! I have school I. HAVE EXAMS ! I need to study . Lately I've been working on my wattpad story and stopped studying . I'm sorry guys but my studies are first , thanx for your comments and votes . I'll update once a week ok ? Maybe if I'm in a good mode I'll update <3 I'm sorry but I need to study . Thanx soooooo much ,
Bye .
Comment vote share read AND STAY AWESOME ❤️💜💚💙💗💓💕💕💞💘🎀
~ Lilly23455 signing off .

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