Chapter 16

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I gasped as me and CHLOE and Zoey read some of our mails .
" Nikki , looks like we've got some challenge here " Chloe said .
" Boohyeah " Zoey said as I just nodded .
" So our first challenge is Hmm to say bloody marry three times alone in the washroom hmmm " I nodded .
" Challenge accepted . " I said . As BRANDON chuckled .
I went inside , as CHLOE and Zoey closed the lights . I locked the door . I smiled and looked at the mirror .
" Bloody marry !!! " I said laughing asif she was gonna come .
" Bloody marry !!! " I repeated .
" Bloody marry !!! " I said again and chuckled . Cause I knew she wasn't gonna come . I waited for a few seconds . .
I repeated " Maybe I'm just doing wrong . " I went outside as my friends got me a candle . " Guys why don't u all go in another room and wait " I said . They all nodded in agreement . " Are u sure gonna be ok ? " Brandon said with concern .
" Oh come on , BRANDON it's just a game and she's not real " I said chucking . I said giving him a smile " Thanx for caring bye " I said and he left . I went inside locked the washroom door offed the lights put on the cancels as I sighed .
" Bloody marry !" I said spinning around .
" Bloody marry ! " I repeated spinning around .
" Bloody marry ! " I repeated once again . And waited for a few minutes . Maybe should in the sinks water ... Umm ok I said on-ing the water I waited . " Bloody marry ! If you have the guts , come and kill me !!! " I yelled .
" BLOODY MARRY U IDIOT ..... IF YOUR STRONG HAVE GUTS COME AND KILL ME . BLOODY MARRY IF U HAVE THE GUTS COME AND KILL ME " I said repeating it again . I felt pain through my shoulders as my eyes shut closed and my legs forced me to kneel down .
I wonder what NIKKIS doing in there . I sighed . " Guys I think we should go and check on her "Brandon said with concern clearly shown . " yeah come on let's go . " I said as we all rushed inside we unlocked the door and gasped .
" NIKKI !!!! " o yelled . As my eyes where covered in tears . NIKKIS arms wear full of bloody and her eyes where closed shut as she was in the ground . " WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER DONE THIS DARE " Said both theo and Marcus I gasped again in disbelief " No No " Zoey yelled . Brandon just stood there speechless as his eyes were fully covered with tears and his cheeks where red and his eyes where filled with pain . Brandon called 911 and the ambulance took nikki to the hospital . I'm literally filled with tears now so me and my friends that is CHLOE and Marcus as well as theo stood there searching for evidence as BRANDON was in the ambulance taking care of nikki .
" Iknow for a fact that bloody marry isn't real " Theo said .
" Guys . Look what I found " MARCUS said as he showed a lip gloss . " OMG ITS MACKENZIES " Zoey said . " I've seen those Type " Zoey said ." she's not the only one with that lip gloss zoey " I said signing . " Guys wait " I said as I showed them a necklace it was a locket I opened it and saw the picture of MACKENZIE " ITS MACKENZIESS " Marcus yelled angrily . " Ughh she's such a bitch " Theo said . " Theo Mind your words even though she is one " I yelled we all were really angry
I opened my eyes as I saw my surrounding was filled with injections and I saw a caring eyes in front of me .
" Nikki ! Nikki ! Are u a alright " Brandon said . As his eyes were filled with tears and his cheeks blooming red and week . And pale . His eyes were burning red of crying . " B Brandon " I said smiling " What happened nikki ? " He said with full of concern and love in his eyes . I smiled " Don't worry I said as I pecked him in his lips " Love u " I said . As he nodded . " I'll always love u babe " Brandon said . " What happened wS when I said bloody marry I hear footsteps and my my arms where crashing literally it still pains " I whined . He smiled and kissed my arms " Now is better " he said as I nodded " where is CHLOE and Zoey theo and Marcus " I said . As suddenly they all came in " Nikki your awake " Chloe said hugging me tight " OMG NIKS " Zoey said as she hugged me and kissed me in my cheeks " Are u ok ? " Theo and Marcus said as I nodded " we found out who it is its Mckenzie we have her necklace and her stupid lip gloss " they said I smiled " Guys let's forget it and continue to our challenge " I said as all of them looked at me with suprise and nodded they're heads " So ..... Um, " I said . " can we go out of here " I said so they all nodded we took the nurses permission she gave me some Medicine and told me not to touch my arms . I nodded and we all reach my home . My mom looked at me angrily and cried bitterly and pulled me into a huge " Oh Nikki we were so sick and worried what happened to your hands " She said as she cried even more and my dad also hugged me and kissed me on my cheeks my sister came running " OH NIKKI I LOVE U !!!!! Pinalpeo suffered without u we love u " Brianna said kissing me on my cheek . " Thank u sooo much I'm so happy to have a wonderful family " I ran inside my room my friends followed me . " The next challenge is for the girls and guys to sing wings by little mix we all nodded eeeeeping .
" Heyyy that's such a girly song " Marcus theo and Brandon said .
" NOT" we said . As we all sang " mama told me not to waste my life " Isa g " she said spread wings my little butterfly " Chloe sang " Don't let what they say keep you up and night " Brandon said " And if they give u ssshhh " we all said . " Then they can walk on by " Zoey said ." My feet , feet can't touch the ground and I can't hear a sound but u just keep on running up your mouth yeah " Zoey said ." WALK WALK ON OVER THERE ... Cuz I'm too fly too care oh yeahh " Marcus sang . " Your word don't mean a thing I'm not listening .keep talking all I know is mama told me not to waste my life she said spread UR wings my little butterfly . Don't let what they say keep you up and night and they can't detain u " I said " Cause wings are made to flllllyyy" Chloe said ." and we don't let no body bring ussss down. " Brandon said . " Noo matter what u say it won't hurt me " I sang ." No matter if I fall from the sky . " I sang again ." these wings are made to fllllyyy " we all said .
Sup peeps ,
Hope u liked my chappie . I guess this ones a little big . And if the lyrics in the song are bit wrong PLS don't send mean comments .
I hope u loved my story and yay we are gonna almost hit 2K . U guys Plsss share this book . I wanna hit 2K fast . Me and my friend had this challenge of who hits one first . And I told ma readers ARE COOL AND WE ARE FULL OF SWAG! And WE together are gonna win she said lets see about that COME PN GUYS WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER UUUU ANDDD ME TOGETHERRRRRR . NONE NONE NONE CAN EVER CHANGE THAT COME ON LET EM TRY . Lol
So we should be kewl and we should rock the place out Kay Kay.?
And today there's no shout outs awwww ;((( sorri .
But we too kewll
So leeeeeettts keep reading
Thank u again for all your comments and votes and for ur suggestions I will sure do all of em .

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