Authors note .

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Wow u guys are amazing so fast 4 K views . Eeeeee THNK U THNK u THNK u . I don't know how I can show my great fulness to U guys . I mean I am just bumped .
But all happy stories have a bad part right ? I HAVE FEVER .( Trouble trouble trouble ) .
So I won't be updating for a while . If I become ok ( And if u pray for me ) ILL BE OK . AND ILL UPDATE ALOT . Like usual :) eeeee . I'm so happy . And maybe if u guys keep commenting . I'll get so excited and it'll boost up my energy and and I CAN UPDATE 1 very very long chapter . YA know my chapter they're always like 3 or 2 pages believe me sometimes even 1 page . This ones gonna be long long AND YA KNOW WHAT LONG !!
Eeeeee . So keep praying for me ok ? I'll update soon .
Anyways thank u alllll for sooooo much things for ur votes and comments on a blink of an eye . Eeeee.
Anyways U guys put a smile into my face ( Typical Lilly language )
Eeeee I'm in tears ( Happy tears ) U U guys are amazing . Hope u guys are healthy :) as ever !!!!! I wish u guys luck for everything Ur gonna face in life or what u have already faced . UR strong . Really strong . And brave I like u guys for that :) . Thanxxxxx.
Keep commenting , voting , sharing and PRAYING . ( Sharing is caring ) I don't know why I randomly said that . But eeee I'm jumping Up and down . Thnxxxx ( Xoxo )
You guys rock .
Byeeee .

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