Chapter 7

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Dear diary ,

My eyes where closed all I could see was darkness while I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in the clinic .

" Are you ok ? " I heard a voice saying . I hope it is CHLOE and Zoey I turned to see makenzie my eyes was filled with shock . " M Makenzie ? " I whisper yelled .
" Yes , Nikki I found you in the floor and your legs where majorly bleeding " Makenzie said .
I was shocked terrible shocked . " Did CHLOE and Zoey come here ? " I asked Makenzie .
" No , Nikki you've got Terrible friends they just saw you bleeding and just left "
" Thank you so much Makenzie .whyd you have to do this ? " I said , she raised her eyebrow
" I don't mean to be ungreatful but then you are usually not like this " I said
" Oh honey , I'm sorry for being mean in the past my uncle told me that you are amazing so yeah I love my uncle and I listen to him so yeah "
Hmm ... This is really fishy but whatever Makenzie is BEING NICE TO ME .
Brandon - zHi Nikki .
Nikki - Umm hi .
Brandon - I heard about your leg I came to the clinic to see you but you where asleep .
Nikki - Brandon your so sweet .
Brandon. - well britney denied to be my date ...
Nikki - Yesss ?
Brandon - wanna be my date .
I'm so sorry this chapter was very less I know .
But I wanted to make this an author note but I real side you guys may want to see what's up with the story
So yeah ... I won't be updating in some days cuz I am having a singing competition . ( None cares lol )
Which I'll be practicing 24 / 7 . I don't mean to Bragg but then just wish me luck :) I sure will need it .
So yeah thanks for reading this novel it means so much to me that you guys are reading this .
Anyways I got to go
Bye .

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