Chapter 15

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Since I got that text from Nikki I knew something was up with her . She kissed that dude . And I'm her boyfriend , I mean I don't mind her being friends with any guys but kissing ? U kidding me . When I saw them both a slight tear ran down my face . " Brandon " NIkki yelled , I ignored her and run away . It's ok to hug your friend that's ok I'm not like most guys saying no to that . But kissing . And when I saw her kiss back :( . I was gonna break down . And she saw me . Yay what a happy day . Another text .
Nikki - Hi BRANDON
Nikki - Brandon . Pls reply .
Nikki - Brandon
She was bugging me so much I had to reply .
Nikki - Brandon . Pls , listen to me . See I didn't kiss him on purpose . Yes I did kiss back but I don't know why .
Nikki - Brandon .... I'm sorry it's It's I don't know why I did .
Brandon - Nikki , PLS don't hurt me . I forgive u but if u want me to be happy then don't talk to me .
Nikki - Brandon . He kissed me and when I closed my eyes and kissed him back I THOUGHT IT WAS U ! And when I pulled away . I told him it's wrong to do this I'm sorry BRANDON .
Brandon - Oh sorry I misunderstood U love u .
Nikki - oh ok ...
Brandon - look down your window .
Nikki - Omg Brandon . Your down there how ? I'll be there .
I was laughing and waiting for Nikki my arms wide . " Sup babe " I said . Brandon she said running into my arms .
" I love uuuu ." She said and pecked my mouth . " haha babe I love u more " Pecks cheeks.
" your looking incredible sexy today " Brandon said chuckling . I blushed .
" Only today . Come on inside . " when I went inside Brianna came running to me .
" YAH BRANDON UR BACK " she said hugging me tightly and squeezing me .
" Awww ... Hey there Brianna . Thank u for your sweet welcome hug . Here I bought some chocolates for u . Your fav " I side , said chuckling .
" Brandon you shouldn't have " Nikki said smiling .
He gave her chocolates . He's so good with everyone here . He's just so perfect, I'm happy that he finally accepted my apology . He's the best boyfriend ever . I smiled .. UGHHH I keep getting texts
John - Hi Nikki .
Nikki - John .....
John - I'm sorry about what happened that time in Umm school .
Nikki - it's ok everything's fine . It was my mistake too .
John - so we are good .
Nikki - we are great 😉 got to go bye .
John - bye .
I looked over at Brandon as he was chatting with Brianna .... I smiled .
" Nikki wanna call your friends ? " Brandon winked . I smiled and nodded . We invited over chloe Zoey and Marcus and theo.
Wow guys 1.53K already :) . You guys make me so happy , thank you all so much . But what I've noticed is that you guys stopped commenting and voting , you guys START COMMENTING . . I don't mean to be harsh . I'm really happy you guys are reading this . I don't mean to be selfish but if u like this book PLS comment and vote .
Oh and this chapter is dedicated too ... Meowing diamond queen . Thank u for your vote and comment round of applause everyone 👏👏✋
Haha ok anyways thanks and everyone Who dosent know dork diaries and even the people who know it watch this trailer about Dork diaries enjoy . I hope I can update once you guys from you guys commenting and voting .
See YA

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