Chapter 51

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nikki has cancer ..... Yes all because of my genius plans . Well there's basically this leaf and when u eat it you get this very rare type of cancer , which doctors hasn't found cure for yet .... MUHAHAHAHAHAA nikki will be finally gone and me and BRANDON will have our own HAPPYYY ^_^
Yes the feeling itself is great .
BRANDON - I'm sorry I didn't tell you in a while but .. Nikki has cancer.
BRANDON - the doctor said she's better but it's hard to cure her . And this is a very rare disease.
Olivia - It's ok BRANDON :) be strong .
Brandon - Thank you for being a great friend to nikki and me !
Olivia - Oh babe . It's ok ;) anything for U guys .
Brandon - you called me babe ?
Olivia - Sorry :P just simply
Brandon - Well don't call me that anymore , only Nikki has the full right to call me that .
Olivia - Ugh ok bye .
Brandon - Bye !
That BRANDON why is he so crazy over that nikki girl . What does she have that I don't ?
I'm pretty cute fabulous POPULAR.
*_* gAhhhhhh But your time will come nikki . your time to die muahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha .
I felt terrible , but I also notice that I should take care of myself !
Yeah take good care of myself everyone was asleep that's when zoey came .
" Hey nikki . good morning sunshine " she said . I giggled .
" Good morning Bff ! " I said she winked . She went to the washroom and changed and brushed her tooth .
I went to the other washroom . I took a good bath scrubbing all parts of my body making sure it's clean ! I put on some soup and waited for a while and showered myself and put shampoo and conditioner .
Then I came out of the Shower with a towel in my head and bath robe in my body .
I dried my hair and applied a light amount of make up . Then I wore simple jeans and shirt . Brushed my hair . And brushed my teeth ^_^ I was perfect , I felt perfect too . I went out of my bathroom .
And finally CHLOE woke up to . Both CHLOE and zoey looked at me up and down .
" wow U look fab. " they said I just giggled .
They gave me a nutrias healthy meal ... Like porridge with a bit of medicine and fruits in the side . I felt full and then drank lots of water like the doctor told me too . *_* I feel better already.
Maybe if I continue this I will be all better and healthy . And CHLOE and zoey make it aloooot better :)
I swear I've got the worlds best friend ever ! The best boyfriend . Oh diary ! You must be wondering where are my parents ? As I told u I've graduated from school now my parents Brianna and everyone went to snother country ! And I just felt the need to be here .
So yeah ^_^ Imma be fine . Then me CHLOE and Zoey just had some girl talk .
" Soo nikki wassup with U and BRANDON ? " CHLOE asked .
" Um, " I said blushing .
" they're so in love" they both said . We fell asleep . Afcourse after checking our. Insta and Twitter . the perfect end to the perfect day .
Hey lilies ^_^
Soo Waddup ?
I've been getting tons of comments and votes ! I'm happy and glad for that . But I see I'm not getting that much reads as I used too . I don't know why ! So I hope u people will share this book to your friends . And if u do comment down below I shared this book . To get a special suprise and be honest about it .
Thank you so much for your reads comments and votes it means the world too me and I'll never forget it.
Keep commenting voting sharing smiling relaxing and rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off

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