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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

It's been a whole 2 weeks since my encounters with the Russian mob started. It all kicked off with me preventing a break in of the Stacy's. And now the Russians don't like me.

Oh and did I forget to mention they've had it out for me this whole time? Yeah on my nightly patrols I've had to dodge more and more gunfire. Not my favorite thing to do.

And tonight is no different.

7.62 rounds zip through the air as I twist my body to avoid the incoming fire.

Y/N: Aaaand new record guys.

I stick to a brick wall as below me are 5 armed Russians. With what you may ask? Well what else shoots 7.62?

Y/N: Hey I didn't know you guys had FN Scars! I dunno if that's exactly legal here guys.

What? Was it supposed to be AK's? Pretty cringe.

Y/N: Alright guys million dollar question. Who here can tell me what's with the targeting?

They however do not answer me. Instead they fire again and I'm forced to jump off my wall.

Y/N: Ah man c'mon guys it's a school night.

I web one of their guns and yank it away from them. I then quickly swing the stolen gun into their stomach knocking them down.

Y/N: Might wanna ice that!

I web onto a lamppost. 4 more to go.

I jump off of it and web one of their hands together before webbing them towards me.

Y/N: Get over here!

I roundhouse kick them in the face knocking them into a pair of trashcans off to the side.

Y/N: Roadhouse.

The remaining three start to shoot again. I flip over their bullets before landing on one of their shoulders.

Y/N: Hey if being a mobster doesn't work out you'd make an incredible Olympic springboard!

I then push off of them and fire a web onto their back. I turn them into a human flail swinging him around into his remaining buddies before letting him go into a full garbage dumpster.

Y/N: And that should do it for tonight guys.

Mobster: You have messed up spider.

I turn to look at the first guy I knocked down. I quickly web his hands to the ground.

Y/N: Just to make sure you don't go running off on me.

I squat next to him.

Y/N: So how'd I mess up?

Mobster: You should not have gotten involved in our affairs.

Y/N: Well all I really did was see some seedy individuals and put a stop to their shenanigans.

Mobster: Their are big things in play spider. Things you wouldn't understand.

Y/N: Ah well that sounds like a regular Wednesday to me...speaking of which what's today? I've got a paper due soon.

Mobster: You sent our strongest soldier to prison. The boss didn't like that.

Y/N: Uh-huh and who is your boss?

Mobster: As if I'd tell you spider.

Y/N: Well it was worth a try. So what he sends you guys after me every night for what reason exactly?

Mobster: To buy time.

He smiles at me as police cars race past us. Their sirens blare in the night.

Mobster: You were so busy dealing with people like us. That you didn't notice the amount of experimental equipment theft and smuggling.

I feel my hands tingle as I stand up.

Y/N: What have you guys done?

Mobster: Set our champion free.

Y/N: Man I hate when you bad guys get all cryptic!

I web his mouth shut before webbing his friends down.

Y/N: Stay put guys.

I swing off and follow the police cars.

The cool night air rushes past me as in the distance I see what looks like black smoke.

Y/N: Well that can't be good.

As I get closer to the black smoke the sounds of gunfire enter my ears. My swinging quickens.

Y/N: Oh yeah that's really not good!

I make it to the black smoke before perching myself on a nearby roof in order to figure out what it is I'm dealing with.

Below me is the NYPD engaged in a battle with some hulking figure shrouded by the smoke.

Y/N: I can't get a good look at this dude.

I watch as a car is thrown at the cops. I quickly jump into action and web three officers out of the way of the incoming vehicle.

Y/N: I really hope the owner had insurance.

The police turn to me and I hold my hands up.

Y/N: Friendly friendly.

They keep firing at the covered figure.

Y/N: Whats going on here!

Officer: We got a call that an inmate at Ryker's had broken free! They said he was packing heavy ordinance but this is insane!

A car gets crushed before hurled at us. I pull the officers around me down as it sails over us.

Y/N: I don't think that counts as heavy ordinance!

Officer: We'll get crushed here!

I pat his shoulder.

Y/N: You guys have got to get out of here. I'm fairly certain this is superpower throw down!

Officer: What're you even going to do?!

Y/N: Well I'm gonna web em up and see if I can somehow knock them out...which only really works on regular people and not super powered individuals.

Officer: Thats not reassuring!

Y/N: Oh trust me...I really don't like this part of the job.

I stand up from my cover and square my shoulders. A looming shadow starts to walk towards me.

The ground itself shakes as the figure draws closer.

My body starts to produce intense amounts of adrenaline as I bend my knees and spread my feet apart a little.

Y/N: Alright big guy you looking for a fight? You've got one alright.

The figure fully steps out. My body instantly shivers at the beast in front of me. It's skin is gray with bulging muscles. Their figure alone towers over me. And their head is adorn by a rhinoceros horn.

Okay so the image for some reason isn't working for me so I apologize for not being able to provide an image for you guys. It is Rhino if the description wasn't enough. Anyway it's not PS4 Rhino or Amazing Spider-Man 2 rhino. Just regular roid rage rhino.

Y/N: Oh man...I'm really starting to wish I drank more milk.

Aaaaand scene. Welcome back everyone sorry for the delay life's been a little weird since I recently graduated highschool. But now we're back to updating what you guys like.

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