Setting The Stage

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Lez goooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my English class with my nose buried in my book. Ever since the party I can't shake these looks i've been getting.

I'm socially awkward as it is. And I find myself shrinking under the gazes of my peers.

Gwen: Y/N?

I wonder if this is what the girls feel like when the jocks single them out?

Gwen: Y/N?

Just gotta get through the day. Just gotta get through the day and I can become someone else.

Gwen: Y/N?

I'm shaken from my thoughts at the nudging of my shoulder. I glance over at Gwen with an embarrassed red face. I zoned out on the project we were working on.

Y/N: H-Huh? Oh! Right! Yeah sorry I was uhm...

Gwen: It's okay, so what have you got on your end so far?

The Great Gatsby, a book read by practically every single American. It's like a rite of passage for teens across America. Our project is come up with what exactly Jay Gatsby's shady business is.

I slide my notebook over to her. She looks it over before nodding.

Gwen: Bootlegger route it is huh? Great minds think alike.

Y/N: You had the same idea?

Gwen: It's all over the book, I figured it'd be the easiest to do.

Y/N: I suppose your right.

The bell rings and everyone gets up. I go to pack up my stuff.

Gwen: Hey can I get your number?

Now i've been hit by plenty of curveballs in my life. Finding out that Santa wasn't real, realizing that it doesn't matter what size you get at McDonald's because all the orders are the same. But Gwen Stacy the girl just about everyone has a thing for asking for my number? Yeah that's one I really wasn't ready for.

Gotta play it cool.

Y/N: Whats a number?

Cool not dumb!

She just laughs a little before holding her hand out. I place my phone in her hand.

Gwen: You only have three contacts?

Y/N: Oh- uhm...small circle?

Those three being May, Jai and Felicia.

Gwen: Well anyway use my number to get ahold of me for the project.

I nod my head before finishing up with my packing.

Y/N: Y-Yeah.

She smiles and walks away. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

And so I go on with the rest of my day. I spent most of it with my head down or nose in a book as a distraction from the weird looks.

Finally the end of the day comes and I can finally ditch being Y/N and take on my second life as Spider-Man.

I swing around the city stopping petty crimes with ease. Starting to get a hang of this whole hero thing.

It's not long before I end up getting a text. Don't ask me how Sable was able to configure a setting where I can use my phone from the suit because it's beyond me.

Gwen: Hey stranger.

I smirk at the message before standing on the side of a building and replying back.

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