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Lez goooo

Y/N's POV:

It's been a day since I brought down the Vulture. Not even day and I have a whole assortment of problems.

The Daily Bugle, a well trusted news source here. The head honcho James Jonah Jameson is known for being pretty extreme when it comes to his pieces. He's well known and even won two Pulitzer Prizes.

Too bad he's set his sights on me. Apparently it's my fault that the Vulture tore up the streets.

I swing past a building and his face is on it.

JJJ: As I was saying folks!

He clears his throat and I roll my eyes.

JJJ: It's all because of that menace SPIDER-MAN that Adrian Toomes AKA the VULTURE caused $76,000 in property damages!

I groan and shake my head.

JJJ: Think about it Folks we never had to deal with super villains until Spider-Man came onto the scene!

That's not even my fault! Toomes was just after revenge!

JJJ: Not to mention the sudden rise in crime!

He's only saying that because I actually catch these guys. Well except the Black Cat but i'm working on that.

It's then I get a call. It's Gwen.

Y/N: Yellow.

Gwen: Hey Y/N we still have to finish that Gatsby assignment. And it's due tomorrow sooo.

Y/N: All nighter?

Gwen: All nighter.

Y/N: I can talk to my aunt about going over?

Gwen: That would work. Okay I'll be seeing you later?

Y/N: Yeah hopefully.

As I stop a would be bike thief my eyes catch an all too familiar set of black spandex. Latex? Leather? Whatever the hell the Cat wears,

I start to swing home. May thinks I went out on a grocery run which I did before I started my patrol. Told her the store was crazy packed when I called her from a pay phone.

I land in an alley way next to my apartment and quickly change into my street clothes that I left in a backpack. I then walk into the building with a bag of groceries I had left on a roof safe from Hobo Larry's reach.

I step into the safety of my apartment. I take a quick look around and see May sitting on the couch watching tv.

May: There you are, i was considering getting the NYPD to find you.

Y/N: That wouldn't have been a good look being seen in the back of a squad car.

She laughs before I set the groceries down. I then sort through the groceries.

Y/N: Hey so uhh I have a project with someone from school.

May: Uh-huh?

Y/N: And it's due tomorrow...

May: Your just now telling me about this?

Y/N: It's a partner project and I gotta go to my partners house to finish the project.

May: And this partner is?

She draws out the 'i'.

I take a deep breath and feel heat running to my cheeks.

Y/N: Gwen Stacy!

May: Oh? A girl? What happened to Felicia hm? Are you being a player?!

Y/N: What?! No May!

May: Just pulling your chain. You can go but if I find out there was any funny business-

Y/N: Which there won't be.

May: Mhm sure. But if I hear anything then you can bet that you won't be leaving this house any time soon.

Y/N: Understood.

May: When do you leave? And how are you getting there?

Y/N: In 15? And i'll just leg it.

May: Alright then don't get into any trouble.

I nod my head and walk into my room. I set my bag down and start gathering all the stuff i'm going to need to do this work.

Y/N: Alright then let's get to work.

3rd Person POV:

As Y/N leaves his home the sky darkens. Black ominous clouds begin to fill the sky. Shortly after rain starts to fall.

It chills everyone in the streets below. But what's the worse that could happen?

Y/N's POV:

After a brief encounter with the rain I make it to Gwen's home. Which turns out to be an apartment. Just bigger than the one May and I live in.

Gwen: My dad's working overtime tonight and my moms out getting food. You haven't eaten right?

My stomach growls in response.

Y/N: Well I guess that answers your question huh?

The two of us laugh as she leads me into her room. The walls are light pink. A queen bed sits against the right wall by her window which has a fire escape. A desk is situated on the left wall.

Gwen: Sorry for the mess?

Y/N: Mess? There isn't even a shirt on the floor.

3rd Person POV:

As the two teens get started on their work a flash of lightning fills the sky. Shortly after the boom bounces off of the city wall.

Just a thunderstorm. How bad can a thunderstorm be?

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: And in short he was a bootlegger.

Gwen: Thats what all the evidence points.

The door to the apartment opens.

Gwen: And that's my mom. C'mom let's go see what she brought for dinner.

Y/N: Yeah I could definitely eat.

3rd Person POV:

Meanwhile Captain George Stacy arrives on scene to a gruesome accident.

An electrical worker was called in to deal with a power line that fell to the ground. While he was in the middle of working it started to rain.

He was almost done with the wire when the thunder struck. A bolt of a lighting crashed into the tower that the electrical wire was apart of.

It sent thousands of volts of electricity careening into the worker.

But by some miracle the man survived.

Captain Stacy approaches the van the man had been driving to search for his belongings. Inside he found a phone and wallet.

Captain Stacy: Well now we can ID the man.

He pulls out the man's driver's license and holds it up to his flashlight.

Captain Stacy: Maxwell Dillon.

Aaaand scene

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