Elton John

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Leeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit perched on a building overlooking Time's Square. It's been a few days since I last danced with the Rhino.

I don't like when my super villains aren't active. I mean you'd think tracking down a monster like Rhino would be easy but they must be hiding him in a safe house waiting for the right moment to strike.

But strike what exactly? I'm not 100% certain but I do remember Rhino's folks weren't fans of the Stacy's. So I've been keeping an eye on them and today is no different. Hell their whole family is out and about below me.

I gaze across at another building and see a flash of silver hair. Seriously? Now what is she up to?

I swing across to the building and find out that it's a penthouse of sorts.

Y/N: Helllooo? Spider-Man here.

Black Cat: Good you're here.

I whip around and see her leaning over a kitchen counter with a glass of wine in her hand.

Y/N: Okay cat what gives today? Ready to give up?

Black Cat: Hardly. No this is rather important information for you.

Y/N: What's the catch?

Black Cat: I knew I liked that brain of yours spider~ always so smart~

I gulp a bit.

Black Cat: A favor that I will cash in at a later date. Nothing that'll reveal who you are.

Y/N: Hmm...I'm probably going to regret it but what's the info?

Black Cat: That Rhino guy? He's going to be set loose in about 10 minutes along with his AK wielding friends.

Y/N: Where?

Black Cat: Think web-head.


Black Cat: Bingo.

If that's the case I have to start getting people out of here now.

I quickly turn to leave before looking back at the Black Cat.

Y/N: You're face is still on my villain cork board just saying.

Black Cat: Maybe you'd appreciate it closer to your own web-head~

She blows me a kiss before waving. I blush a little before jumping out.

Y/N: Okay how the hell do I clear all these people out?

I see a stage being set up with speakers and a microphone.

Y/N: Well that's convenient.

I land at the stage and the crew looks at me in shock.

Y/N: Evening guys, need to borrow this. Also you may want to get the hell out of here.

I tap the mic to make sure it's working.

Y/N: This thing working?

I see people look at me.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes. Listen you guys are all in danger! You have to vacate immediately!

Instead of them orderly exiting like I hoped they boo me. This is going to be a long night.

Y/N: Uhhh free pretzels going away from here? Yeah that wouldn't work.

Somehow my face ends up plastered over multiple big screens.

Y/N: Okay I know you guys can hear me and see me. You have to go now!

Still more boos. Some of them just walk past me. In the crowd I spot the Stacy's. Gwen's father is on the phone as an explosion goes off nearby.

Y/N: Everyone get out now!

I see people start to panic and flee. I quickly look towards the source of the explosion and see a car in flames. From where I stand I feel the ground slightly shake.

I then turn to the Stacy's and jump down to them.

Y/N: Yo guy on the phone who did you just call?

Obviously I know who he is.

Captain Stacy: Backup. I noticed whenever you're around things never turn out well.

I look towards the explosion and see the Rhino walk out from the black smoke followed by all sorts of mobsters armed to the teeth.

This is no mindless attack. This is a show of power.

Y/N: Good call. You all need to get out of here.

Gwen: What's going on?!

I stand up and stretch my arms and legs. Gotta remember to stretch before fights.

Y/N: Ah ya know. Experimental human weapon is being used as a weapon. Time to go out a stop to it.

Captain Stacy: You couldn't possibly fight all of them at once!

Y/N: No. But I'll have to until your backup arrives. In the meantime help whoever you can get out of here.

I fire a web onto a building before giving the family a two finger salute.

Y/N: I've got a Rhino to fight.

I swing off.

Gwen: Be careful Spider-Man!

I land on the roof of a car in front of the Rhino and company.

Y/N: Evening gentleman I'm going to have to see some papers, don't think the ATF likes those guns here.

Rhino: All alone spider.

Y/N: Oh hey you're speaking more than one word at a time! Good boy Rhino.

I feel every weapon train on me. Good. I'd hate for people to be caught in the crossfire. But to be safe let's try and make them shoot into the building's walls.

Rhino: This city is ours Spider-Man!

Y/N: Yeah? Funny I didn't see an official announcement.

Mobster: Consider this that announcement web-head.

Y/N: Eh sounds better when the cat says that.

I jump off and instantly fire a web onto the first goon's gun and yank it away.

Y/N: Ah gross it's all sticky! When was the last time you cleaned this thing?

I toss it far to the side as they all begin shooting at me. I manage to dodge every bullet before Rhino charges at me.

Y/N: Woah easy there big guy!

I fire a web onto his face to blind him before jumping over him. I land on his shoulders before pushing off and axe kicking a mobster.

Y/N: One down about 49 to go huh?

I turn around in time to dodge Rhino's fist as it sails harmlessly over me and into a parked car.

Y/N: Yikes wonder what that's gonna cost.

The mobsters fire again and I manage to dodge the bullets but this time Rhino grabs me and slams me into the ground.

Y/N: Oh this isn't fun!

Rhino: Tonight you die spider!

He raises both fists into the air and slams them down onto my chest. I wheeze as the air escapes me.

Y/N: Haaa!

He then grabs me by the head and tosses me into a car.

Yup this officially sucks.

I start to get back up and try to catch my breathing.

Rhino: Give up.

Y/N: Well in the words of Elton John.

I raise my fists up.

Y/N: Saturday night is alright for fighting.

Aaaand scene

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