Who Are We

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Leeeezzz goooo got orders to Quantico

Y/N's POV:

It rains heavily on an otherwise normal night in the city. I overlook the city from atop the Chrysler Building.

Venom: We are not tired.

I've been awake for the past 54 hours straight. I haven't been home nor have I returned anyones calls or texts. If this city doesn't sleep why should I?

Y/N: No...we're good.

I shake my head before I decide to jump off the building and begin swinging through the city.

Ever since my little bank brawl I've been dealing with the criminals of this city in a...well new manner.

Venom: Down there!

I glance below me and catch a simple drug deal going down. I glare at them from behind my mask before cutting my web.

Venom: Good. We'll get them!

I dive towards them. The wind whips past my face. I cock my fist back as I get closer to whoever the dealer is. As soon as I'm close my fist shoots out like a speeding bullet and launches the dealer into a nearby dumpster.

Buyer: S-Spider-Man?!

I quickly whip around and see his hands are up. But he's just as guilty as the dealer in my eyes.

I web his hand and yank him towards me. I then sucker punch his stomach before jump kicking him across the face sending him against a wall. I then web him to it.

Y/N: Don't go anywhere.

I swing away leaving both of them with broken bones. Why haven't I been doing this in the first place?

I end up swinging by a massive screen. On it is that one mustached asshole JJJ. I come to a stop and decide to tune in.

JJJ: In other words Spider-Man's war on crime is a massive success!

Is he praising me? Us?

JJJ: Where has this Spider-Man been all this time?

I look down at the street below and close my eyes trying to focus on my surroundings.

Venom: Down there.

I snap my head in the direction that feels right. And somehow I can see a woman being dragged into an alley.

Venom: We must go.

I push off the building leaving cracks in its wall's.

I dive towards the ground before firing a web and beginning to swing into action. As I near my destination I can feel this aggression building in my stomach.

I land on top of a dumpster denting the roof of it.

Man: What the-

Before me are five men. Each as sleazy as it gets.

Man 2: Spider-Man?! Shit I didn't he'd be here tonight.

They instantly let the woman go and hold their hands up.

Man 3: H-Hey see? No harm no foul.

She runs towards me and I catch her before inspecting her for any serious injuries. Once satisfied i pat her on the shoulder and move her behind me before nodding my head in the direction of escape.

Man 4: T-That's a really nice costume man!

I can feel the fear radiating off of them.

Man 5: We'll just uhh be on our merry way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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