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Leeeezzzz goooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand facing the Goblin. He floats above the ground. The permanent smile of his mask illuminated by the various surrounding lights.

Goblin: Shiny new armor Spider-Man.

Y/N: Yeah well I figured I could use a little blast protection.

Felicia: Isn't that from that Minecraft?


The Goblin just laughs before he begins to toss a bomb up and down like a baseball.

Goblin: I take it you didn't consider my offer.

Y/N: Yeah no I'm good with just being Spider-Man.

I lower myself to the ground. My thighs burn a bit from the angle.

Goblin: Then you'll die here!

He throws the bomb at us and I leap into the air. I fire a web onto his glider and pull myself in. Once close enough I punch him across the face but he matches my punch with a sucker punch to the stomach.

I land back on the ground with no problem. Armor held up but it still hurts a bit.

Goblin: Try better Spider-Man!

He charges me as blades protrude out from the front of the glider. Well that's new, last time it was just on the sides!

I flip backwards as a grappling hook wraps around one of the blades.

I look over and watch as Felicia pulls the Goblin a little off course giving me time to fire off a couple of my newly high pressure webs at his chest knocking him off the glider.

With the new opportunity of a slightly defenseless Goblin presented I fire a web onto his arm and pull him towards me.

Y/N: C'mere you Elf on the Shelf wannabe!

I grab ahold of his arm and lift it up, I then punch him in the armpit.

Y/N: Oh please tell me you wore deodorant!

With his free hand he punches me twice in the side slightly cracking my armor. He then headbutts me and I fall down.

On my way down I manage to kick his side with enough force to knock him away.

Before he can land Felicia meets him and drives her elbow into his stomach. She winces a bit.

Goblin: Tag team? Really Spider-Man?!

Felicia: You sure do complain a lot!

As the Goblin stands up he's quickly swept off his feet by Felicia's leg. But before she can go any further his glider comes barreling towards her.

Y/N: Look out!

I fire a web onto her back and pull her towards me.

Felicia: Thanks web-head.

I nod as the Goblin gets back on his glider.

Goblin: How repulsive.

I let her go before looking at the Goblin.

Felicia: Any bright ideas?

Y/N: Yeah, we've got to keep him away from that glider.

Felicia: That's it?

Y/N: Hey now in my defense I normally punch these guys until I win.

Felicia: Yeah yeah.

Goblin: You truly are pathetic Spider-Man!

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