Bird Watching

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Lez gooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit at lunch with my head down. My arm feels like it's been ripped from its socket, jackhammered and sore as all can be.

Jai: Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Hm?

I pick my head up to look at him.

Jai: You look like hammered shit.

Y/N: Yeah okay Woods.

I hear a tray being set on the table. I glance over and see Felicia's emerald green eyes staring back at me. A smirk graces her abnormally beautiful face.

Felicia: You look like someone had sex with a rotten avocado. But they hated each other.

Y/N: Oh geez your such a charmer.

Felicia: Oh c'mon i've been working on that one all day long.

Seconds later and we're joined by Gwen and Liz. This is rather unusual.

Jai: Hey guys? Sum we can help you with?

Gwen: Just wondering if we can sit here?

Liz: We can't stand Flash anymore. He's gotten a whole lot worse since the party.

Felicia: I don't mind.

Jai: I speak for Y/N when I say women are welcomed here.

Y/N: Simp.

Jai: Yeah yeah. So Liz was that whole Spider-Man rumor real?

Liz: Yeah he crashed into my apartment, threw my bat, broke his arm, let me fix it and let me take a picture with him.

She proceeds to show us her phone.

Y/N: What're the odds huh?

Liz: Your telling me! I'm the biggest Spider-Man fan here!

Well that's nice to know I at least have one fan.

Liz: But get this, he knew my name! And I didn't tell him!

Uh-oh spaghettio.

Liz: Plus he sounded really young. I think he's a teen like us.

Felicia: Think he could be anyone here Ms Nancy Drew?

Liz: Well not just anyone. They've gotta have a slimmer build, i'd say around Y/N's height and they have to be selfless.

Gwen: Let's say he's a student here, what're you going to do about it?

Liz: I dunno, didn't think that far ahead.

I close my eyes trying to salvage what's left of the lunch break so I can nap.

Liz: But rest assured I am going to find out who he is.

It's now much later in the day. I sit perched on a rooftop.

Y/N: Okay birdie where are ya?

As I scan the streets I spot movement in a penthouse. Doesn't seem like they own the place so time to swing on by and say hi.

I swing to the building and find a hole cut in the glass.

Y/N: Now that's a perfect circle.

I step into the building and find the culprit. She holds a golden egg of sorts.

Y/N: Cat.

She turns to look at me before smirking and putting a hand on her hip.

Black Cat: Well if it isn't the Spider-Man.

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