Clipped Wings

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Lez goo

Y/N's POV:

I have my head down in class. I spent the better part of my night working on a means to bring the Vulture down.

It's not a perfect plan and could still backfire. But it'll have to do.

I managed to take the taser apart and integrate the electrical components into my web shooters. I can administer a shock of 50,000 volts at close range. But the farther the electricity has to travel the weaker it is. Lowest it'll go is 1,200 volts.

Jai: Aye you good man?

I pick my head up and look at Jai. He has a concerned look on his face.

Y/N: I'm fine, just tired.

Felicia: Whats the matter sugar?

Y/N: Sugar? What're you mama June?

Felicia: Oh whatever.

She playfully rolls her eyes as she hits my shoulder. Just gotta get through today.

Like a gunshot through the night our peace is ripped away. The principal gets on the intercom and announces that the school is going on lockdown.

Jai: The hell?

The lights in our class room are shut off. We're all ushered to go to the back.

From the dim light of Jai's phone we watch on as a news crew films the Vulture attacking a convey of cars nearby. No doubt Bestman is apart of that convey.

Not to mention all the people that could be caught in the crossfire. I have to get a move on, now.

I look at Felicia and nudge her elbow.

Felicia: Hm?

Y/N: I need you to cause a distraction for me.

Felicia: Mm and what do I get out of it hm?

Y/N: What do you want?

Felicia: A burger sounds good to me.

Y/N: Fine deal just keep people's eyes off the door.

She nods and gets up. She then grabs some girls hair and throws her around. Well a fight is a good way to draw attention.

With everyone's attention on the fight I make my way to the door and slip out. The halls are quiet and empty. Perfect.

I make my way out of the school ducking past school police. Once i'm in the clear I slip into an alley and start putting on my costume.

Y/N: Time to clip a birdies wings.

I swing off towards the chaos. It's not long before the Vulture comes into view.

He tears the roof off of a car with his talons. The people inside scream as he raises his weapon.

Vulture: I told you that you'd pay for stealing my genius!

Y/N: Hey tweety!

I fire a web onto his wing and pull myself towards him. He turns around and gets punched across the face.

He lets Bestman go and flys up to create distance.

Vulture: Shouldn't you be taking a nap at pre school?

Y/N: And shouldn't you be eating out of a bird feeder? Yeah that's what thought now c'mere you ugly flying sack of bird seeds!

I fire two wings aimed at his chest. He evades to the side before taking aim at me with his weapon.

I backflip over the fire of his weapon. My back warms up from the heat of the small explosion caused underneath me.

I web a car door over to me and use it to block an incoming shot. I get sent flying backwards into a wall as the door wasn't a good shield.

He flys to grab me out of the wall but I wait until the last second to jump out of it. Mid jump I web his chest piece and spin us midair causing him to hit the wall.

Y/N: You might wanna see a chiropractor.

He gets out of the wall and charges towards me. His weapon barks out a storm of purple fire. I dodge all the shits as they slam into buildings and the street.

I hear civilians scream as buildings are set ablaze by explosions. Now i've got two problems. The Vulture and keeping these people safe.

Y/N: What're you people still doing here?!

I manage to web the Vulture's leg and yank him towards me. As soon as he's close enough I punch him across the face.

Vulture: Grah!

He headbutts me and I kick him away. I take a quick look around and see a family trapped under a car.

Y/N: Sit tight!

I run over to them and grab the car from the bottom. Using my legs to lift I push the car off the ground.

Vulture: Forget about me?!

I whip my head around and see the Vulture flying towards me. I give the car one final push up freeing the family.

I turn my body to face the Vulture but his talons grab me. I feel them tear into my skin and feel my body being crushed by the talons.

Y/N: Augh!

He takes us into the air before throwing me up. He then blasts me with his weapon and he leaves me to fall to my death.

As I fall I find it hard to breathe. My rate picks up and my hands start to shake. I'm having a damn panic attack at the worst time.

Who was I kidding? I'm just a kid in spandex fighting a whole city of crooked people. Am I really about to die?

The buildings start to get taller. The screams become louder and easier to hear. The Vulture comes flying down towards me ready to strike.

No. Not like this.

I snap out of my trance and fire a web onto a building. It slows my descent but I still crash into the roof of a car.

Y/N: Ow...

The Vulture comes flying down at me and I roll off of the car. As the Vulture tries to change course I web his chest and yank him to the ground.

Y/N: Hey Vulture!

I quickly jump on his back. And once again he takes off into the sky.

Y/N: I think it's about time we clipped your wings!

I jump off of him and fire a web right onto the middle of his wing suit. And with no time to waist it releases 50,000 volts of electricity.

The wings begin to shake as black smoke spews out from the Vulture's back.

Vulture: What've you done?!

Y/N: I improvised!

I axe fire a web onto his chest and pull myself towards him before grabbing hold of him.

Y/N: Adapted!

As we get closer to the ground I push us towards a building. Right as we make impact I web him down for good this time.

Y/N: And overcame!

Sirens are accompanied by police cars as they surround the Vulture and I. I wave at them and slap a pre-written sticky note onto the Vulture.

Y/N: He's all yours.

I swing off as the Vulture is finally dealt with.

Aaaand scene

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