Double Trouble?

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Leeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

It hasn't even been 20 minutes since I left Felicia's and things are already going down.

On today's agenda a local convenience store is being held up. And here's the kicker, by 4 guys in all black tactical gear...okay maybe one of them is a girl? I dunno I'm kinda tired.

So without having time to repair my costume i slip into a nearby alley and change into my hopefully iconic suit.

Y/N: Oh man.

I flinch a little.

Y/N: Note to self...wash the suit after this...

I shake my head before webbing into action. And by webbing I mean just a quick sprint into the store.

Y/N: Oh man you guys shop here too?

They all turn to look at me while I lean against the doorway.

Y/N: So why don't you guys be good criminals and put everything back?

I notice now that whoever was working the register is unconscious. The four tactical crooks take out very large syringes. Like the kind you see in insane asylum movies.

Y/N: knives or guns? Okay that's new.

But before they charge at me I notice they all quickly run behind the counter.

Crook: Cover your eyes!

Y/N: Huh?

My spider sense goes off as I turn around and see plainly dressed people throw a bunch of handheld objects into the building.

Before I can even try to get out the objects go off. My sense are assaulted as my eyes burn as everything around me goes white. My ears ring violently completely throwing me off.

I stumble backwards as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

With my sense completely gone my body then my survival instincts kick in.

I grab hold of the hand on my shoulder and throw them over my shoulder onto the ground.

Y/N: I'm blind!

I turn around in time to push someone away from me. I then fire a web in their general direction and thankfully feel it latch onto a person. I yank them towards me and kick them into what I assume to be a stand filled with chips?

Y/N: Ha how often do you see a blind guy kicking ass?

I turn around only to get punched across the face. I feel backwards.

Y/N: Ah that's not cool!

I get tackled into the grounds before I can get them off of me I feel something thin stab into my left forearm.

Y/N: Yowch!

Crook: I got it! Everyone fall back!

Y/N: Got what?!

I feel them get off of me before they all run out of the shop. My vision returns to me in time to see several people watching me.

Y/N: They got away didn't they? Lovely.

With a sigh I swing away from the scene. I feel a slight soreness in forearm as I look it over.

Y/N: Yeah they took some blood alright.

I make it to an alley near the school before changing over. Only to emerge and find that the gates are locked.

Y/N: And I'm late...

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