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Lez gooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my first period class spaced out. I need to find a way to deal with Electro. So far I have a few ideas. I could try and ground him, hose him down or I could always just install a light switch on him and flip it.

I open up my notebook. Inside is a drawing of my suit with various labels on what certain things do what.

I need to go about adding rubber to the suit. But I'm not entirely certain on how to do that.

I turn the page in my notebook. There has to be a way.

Then the creativity starts to hit me. My pencil starts to move on it's own.

Liz: Psst what're you doing?

I jump a little and close my notebook.

Y/N: Uhm n-nothing! I'm not doing anything. Nothing suspicious here. Me? Suspicious? Never.

She raises her eyebrow.

Liz: Hey Gwen wanted me to tell you to try and get some pictures of this new Electro guy.

She already knows?

Liz: I heard about it from Jai.

Y/N: Ohhh. Yeah I'll uhh try and get some pictures.

She nods and gives me a smile that strangely makes my stomach do a flip of sorts. Must've been something I ate

Liz: Great I always knew you were reliable.

The bell rings dismissing class. I end up catching up with Jai as we walk to our next class.

Y/N: Hey you okay man?

Jai: Yeah, dude was pretty scary.

He looks over at me.

Jai: But Spider-Man was there. I kinda got in his way.

Y/N: Well at least your okay.

He nods his head.

Jai: Took you awhile to text me back, what kinda homework takes you that long?

Y/N: Uhh Doc Ock's work?

Jai: I mean it was pretty easy all things considered.

Y/N: Yeah May had me doing some things so I uhh got busy is all.

Jai: Ah gotcha.

Y/N: Say if someone was going to buy an excessive amount of rubber where would they go about getting it?

Jai: Home Depot?

Y/N: Yeah that does make sense.

Jai: Why?

Y/N: Uh no reason in particular.

Crap how in the world am I going to be able to afford all that? I could always tap into that college fund my parents had put away for me? But how am I supposed to access that without May knowing?

Jai: Hey you okay man?

Y/N: Huh? Yeah sorry spaced out for a second there.

My eyes catch the silver hair and emerald green eyes of Felicia who struts down the hall. Now I've got an idea of sorts.

Y/N: I'll uhm catch up with you.

I walk away to catch up with her.

Y/N: Felicia hey wait.

Felicia: My my my if it isn't Y/N.

She looks at me, her eyes seemingly paralyzing me. No time to get distracted by the insanely beautiful woman in front of me.

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