Two Left Feet

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Leeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

Never in all my years of life did I think I would ever be asked to a dance. I don't even really know where to start.

I bounce my knee in my room.

On one hand it's kinda nice. On the other I have to help the Black Cat that night. So how do I do this?

I sigh as the door to my room suddenly bursts open.

Aunt May: Is it true?!

I jump a little as I see May beaming at me.

Aunt May: You're going to a dance?!

She excitedly holds up the permission slip I left in the kitchen.

Y/N: Y-Yeah?

She grabs my hands and pulls me out of my room and into the kitchen.

Aunt May: Soooo who's the lucky girl? Guy? Person?

Y/N: Uhh Felicia.

She nods her head.

Aunt May: Well she's an incredibly beautiful young woman from what I remember.

Well she's not wrong.

Y/N: Yeah she uhh is something.

Aunt May: Soooo what're you wearing?

Y/N: A button down shirt?

She gasps.

Aunt May: Absolutely not this is your homecoming! You only got this last year to do it. No you're going all out young man.

She smiles before grabbing her purse.

Aunt May: Let me do something nice for you?

She pleads with her version of puppy dog eyes. I nod.

Y/N: Uhh okay? Wait do we even have the money to splurge?

Aunt May: You let me worry about that okay?

She drags me out of our apartment and just like that we're off to the races to go shopping.

Aunt May: Oh this one looks wait this one too...ahh but this one has a nice color to it.

While she walked up and down aisles I was stuck holding about 10 different suits.

Aunt May: Okay try them all on and let me see.

She once again smiles as I nod and step into a changing room. After various trials she finally sees one that she thinks looks the best on me.

Aunt May: Thats just the one!

The outfit in question consists of a black button down shirt, black dress pants with a red trim, and a red suit jacket.

Is red really my color?

Aunt May: Oh do you know what Felicia is wearing?

Y/N: Uh no?

Aunt May: Well it should be fine. Black seems to be color and black and red isn't a bad combination.

A little ironic.

Aunt May: Okay thats step one done. Onto step two.

Y/N: Step two?

Aunt May: You mister need to learn how to dance.

She grins as I groan.

Y/N: Ah May I got two left feet you know?

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