Blown Away

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Leeeeezzz gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

So yeah just another day of being a superhero. You know it's like any other 9-5. I wake up, brush my teeth, save a cat from a tree, swing building to building, stop a petty robbery and oh yeah fight a flying elf!

Y/N: A goblin? With those ears?! Might as well be the flying elf!

I jump backwards as a pumpkin like grenade goes off in front of me. I can feel the heat even at a distance.

Goblin: Get out of here Spider-Man! This isn't between you and me!

Y/N: Well it is now you domestic terrorist!

I fire a web onto the bottom of his glider and pull it towards me. He forces his glider to charge right at me and I jump over it to avoid being ran over.

Y/N: Where'd you get your pilot's license huh?

I fire a web onto his back and pull him off of the glider breaking whatever restraints held his feet in place.

As soon as he's close enough I reel my fist back and throw a punch...but he catches it.

Y/N: Oh that's not good.

His other fist smashes against my jaw. It's strength similar to my own.

I pull my arm back before slamming my elbow into his chin. I then fire a web behind me and pull myself away.

Y/N: Give it to me straight elf, you juicing?

Goblin: What do you care Spider-Man?

Y/N: Eh wasn't ever a fan of big pharma.

My spider sense goes off. I backflip from my current position as the glider narrowly misses me while charging back towards the Goblin.

Goblin: Must you get in the way of vengeance Spider-Man?!

He jumps onto his glider and gains altitude quickly.

Goblin: You should work with me Spider-Man! We could rule this city together!

Y/N: Huh spidey for mayor? Eh not my scene elf.

Goblin: Then you'll perish!

He flies overhead dropping bombs from his glider. I move around the roof to avoid being blown up.

Shrapnel flies through the air cutting my body as I do my best to avoid being blown to hell.

I jump away from one last explosion before realizing he's too far up for me to do anything.

Y/N: Well when life gives you lemons.

I watch as he drops another bomb towards me. I jump up towards it before webbing it. I then start to spin it around before launching it back at him.

Y/N: You make lemonade! And everyone knows elves hate lemonade!

The explosion goes off near the side of the Goblin's glider. The left side of the glider is now crippled causing the Goblin to lose some control.

Y/N: Ha! Man I'm getting good at this superhero thing.

Goblin: You think so Spider-Man? Let's put that assumption to the test!

He cackles as his glider plunges down towards the streets below. I dive off the building after him.

Goblin: Time to choose Spider-Man! Me!

I watch as bombs drop out from his glider. They fall towards the street littered with bystanders watching from below.

Goblin: Or these pests of the world!

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