Plan Time

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Leeezzz gooo still got steam

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my class in a whole other world of pain. My chest hurts more than anything. It hurts to move in my seat.

Jai: Hey Y/N?

I look over at my friend.

Y/N: Yeah...what's up?

Jai: Dude are you okay?


Y/N: Yeah I'm good.

I fake a smile to do my best to mask the pain from last night's beat down.

Jai: Why didn't you stay home?

Y/N: It's...complicated.

Jai: I can handle complicated.

Y/N: Ah trust me on this one wanna steer clear of my complicated stuff. Just for now at least.

Jai: Alright man you do you.

My eyes start to grow heavy as my head feels like a block of lead.

Jai: Why don't you go and lay down somewhere? I can cover for you.

I glance at the substitute teacher before nodding.

Y/N: Yeah actually that'd be great. Thanks man.

Jai: What're friends for.

He offers me a smile as I get up and slip out of class.

I walk through the halls with the intent of reaching a tree behind the main campus building that has always been a ditching spot for kids. This would be the first and hopefully last time I visit it.

Once I reach the tree I sit down and lean against the trunk. I then cross my arms and close my eyes to think.

When I arrived the police were already shooting at Rhino. And they're no stormtroopers so they must've at least hit him a few times. And he didn't have a single scratch on him meaning his skin must be impenetrable.

His physical strength is no joke. Hell he threw an entire car at me and made craters where he slammed me.

However his speed is lackluster. He can't seem to accelerate that well and I think it must be due to his overall clunkiness.

And judging by his speech he may not be that intelligent.

Which means I have to use both my agility and brain to bring him down. But how?

He weighs too much for me to be able to throw I have to get him to charge into something. But how?

Felicia: You done spacing out?

I jump a little as I realize now I'm looking up at the tree's branches. And not to mention those oh so alluring emerald green eyes that belong to the woman who's talking to me.

Y/N: H-Huh?

Really? Smooth.

I start to sit up and wince but she stops me and brings me back down on what I now know is her lap.

Felicia: You look really tired Y/N. You okay?

I'm just a kid who alone is risking his body every single day for the citizens of this city. My homework is piled up every time I get home from patrols. I'm now running on about an hour and half of sleep. Oh and did I ever mention I fought a living breathing tank last night?

Y/N: Yeah...why wouldn't I be?

I fake another smile and awkwardly laugh.

Felicia: You're such a bad liar Y'know?

She flicks my forehead.

Felicia: It's fine if you don't want to tell me. People gotta keep their secrets.

She sighs before looking me over.

Felicia: Tell anyone I did something nice for you and you'll have to sleep with one eye open.

She smiles as I nod.

Felicia: Why don't you just close your eyes some more. Not like anyone's going to be coming around for awhile.

Y/N: I suppose...wait what're you doing here?

Her cheeks turn ever so slightly pink.

Felicia: You looked out of it in class so I followed you to make sure you were okay.

I smile a little before closing my eyes.

Y/N: Hey Felicia?

Felicia: Yeah nerd?

Y/N: Thanks.

I slip into a fake sleep as I go back to my planning.

I know I can't penetrate his skin, he's stupidly strong, slow, not that smart and heavy.

Not a whole lot of options for me in terms of dealing with him. I doubt him ramming into a building would phase him. No I need something else.

Electricity? No. Train? No that'd result in a lot of innocent bystanders being hurt.

I feel a hand rest on my cheek causing me to open one of my eyes.

Y/N: Hm?

Felicia: Oh don't mind me.

She has her phone out with a video playing of someone dropping a large rock into a lake below. Weird people.

I sigh a little bit before closing my eye again.

C'mon Y/N you've got to come up with something. You can't let the Rhino run loose.

Wait...the Rhino's a big rock! I could try to get him into the water! His movement would be restricted enough for me to be able to beat him!

I open my eyes back up.

Y/N: Thanks Felicia!

Felicia: Hm? What did I do?

Y/N: Oh uhh don't worry about it.

I sit up wincing a little but now feeling invigorated at the prospect of being able to beat the Rhino.

It's not amazing and nowhere near fool-proof. But it is something. Question is how I'm the world am I supposed to get him to a deep enough source of water?

I begin to walk away through the school with the intent of going back to class. Along my walk I come across the school pool. The deepest it reaches is 12 feet.

That's it. I have to lure him here. Fight him on my own terms.

Okay now how to get him here? I have the strange feeling he'll gladly chase after me.

Could always treat it like a bull fight. Dangle a red cape in front of him and move out of the way last second. Maybe.

Either way I have a plan now. Not amazing but albeit a plan.

I smile to myself.

Y/N: I can do this.

Aaaaand scene. Shorter chapter but this is just a planning chapter.

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