Self Defense

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Leeeeezzz gooooo

3rd Person POV:

It's late at night when Y/N finally returns home from a night of crime fighting. As he removes his mask his face is noticeably pale and sweat lines his brow.

He tiredly collapses onto his bed feeling drained and exhausted. His costume still on.

As he lays there now in the land of dreams something begins to move on his body.

A black sludge like substance comes to life. It begins to spread all over Y/N. Slowly but surely it completely engulfs him.

Y/N's POV:

I wake up the next morning feeling oddly energized. Which is weird since I've been running on barely any sleep as of late.

I glance at the costume still on my body and I just take it off before looking around and deciding on a more dark colored outfit for the day.

I walk out of my room and find a pop tart on the table with my name on it. So I grab it and head out to school for the day.

After a quick jog I make it to the gates where I find Felicia leaning against the wall waiting for me.

Felicia: Good morning handsome.

I just shoot her a smirk.

Y/N: And good morning to you too.

Felicia: Oh? You seem rather chipper today.

Y/N: What can I say? I'm feeling pretty good today.

I sling my arm around her shoulder and we walk deeper into the school.

My day after that was a bit different than normal. I found myself caring a little bit less than I normally do. But I'm not really sure why nor do I really care.

And now it was already lunch time. I found myself in line running a little late to the cafeteria after taking a really long "bathroom" break, I really just napped in a supply closet.

I had a few items on my tray that I was particularly looking forward to eating.

Flash: Hey there shithead!

I look over my shoulder as Flash Thomson stalks towards me with his usual gaggle of jerks in tow.

Flash: What's the matter? Mommy didn't pack a lunch baggy for you today?

His voice took on a sarcastic tone and I felt my hands grip my tray aggressively.

And then something new happened. I heard a deep and menacing voice.

???: Silence him.

I blinked for a second. Did I just hear a my head...that wasn't my own?

???: You can break him. You should break him.

The voice sent a chill up my spine. Not because it scared me, rather how weirdly comfortable I was with it.

Flash: You gonna respond or something huh?

He now stands directly in front of me.

???: Do it!

His hand goes up in the air and it comes down crashing into my tray knocking my food down onto the floor.

Flash: Whoops.

I felt the eyes of everyone being drawn towards us. Almost every single day he's messed with me. Pushed me around. Shoved me against lockers. Broke my science projects. Throw my food across a room. And even beat the crap out of me.

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