Weird Partner

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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

Bullets zip over me as I dodge them midair.

Y/N: C'mon guys it's only Sunday night!

I come down from the air landing on some street thug's chest bringing them down instantly. I quickly web them down before webbing the lid of a trash can to me.

Y/N: Hey you!

The other street thug who is in the middle of reloading looks up at me.

Y/N: I'll have you know I watched a compilation of ultimate frisbee and I've been dying to do this!

I throw the lid right at their hand making them drop their gun. I quickly web them towards me before roundhouse kicking them to the ground.

Y/N: Ah haven't gotten the form down yet.

I web them down before slapping a sticky note onto one of them.

Y/N: And that'll do it.

I look up and see a familiar womanly figure dart from rooftop to rooftop.

Y/N: Again? That's literally the 7th time this week!

I web after her before getting in front of her and firing a web at her feet but she narrowly jumps to the side.

Y/N: Evening Cat.

I stand a few feet in front of her.

Y/N: 7 nights in a row? You got a punch card or something?

Black Cat: Well hello there web-head.

She gives me a sultry smile.

Black Cat: Wasn't expecting to see you tonight.

Y/N: Really? I've chased you every single night this week.

Black Cat: What can I say I like playing hard to get.

She walks towards me and it's then I notice she doesn't have anything in her hands. That's weird? What's she running for then?

Black Cat: Well now that you're here.

She places a finger on my chest and traces a cut circle. I flinch a bit before crossing my arms.

Y/N: W-What do you want?

She giggles.

Black Cat: My my did you just stutter web-head?

Y/N: No...maybe...shutup.

Black Cat: Moving on.

She takes out a thumb drive and dangles it in front of me.

Black Cat: I'm calling in that favor for giving you a heads up on Rhino.

Y/N: I'm not helping you steal anything cat.

Black Cat: Why I would never ask you to do something like that.

She smiles.

Black Cat: However there's a crew going around pulling heists stealing fabulous jewels out of museums. Jewels that I've had my eyes on for awhile.

Y/N: Ah so you just want me to steal from thieves.

Black Cat: Not quite webby.

She grins as I groan.

Black Cat: I want you to help me stop them. Tired of them taking what I want.

I sigh.

Y/N: I'll help you stop them. Since what they're doing is illegal and what not. But I will not help you steal anything.

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