Clean Nose

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Leeeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit at the desk in my room. A mountain of work sits in front of me.

Y/N: Man...I should've known Scorpion would cause me to fall behind on some assignments.

I let out a groan as I urge my sore and aching body to get up and grab some things from my bag.

Y/N: Oh yeah...yup that's not ideal.

The door to my room opens as May stands in the doorway.

Aunt May: So I've let you have a day to recover from your recent outing.

She crosses her arms and I nod knowing she isn't too happy with me right now.

Aunt May: How're you feeling?

Y/N: Honestly? Like I just went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, lost and woke up with the flu.

Aunt May: Wait are you still sick?

She gets a worried look in her eyes as she steps towards me putting her hand on my forehead.

Y/N: Huh? No just similar aching I suppose. I'll live.

She sighs before nodding.

Aunt May: I don't like...all this.

She points at a few bruises and cuts that have yet to heal.

Aunt May: It breaks my heart watching the news and seeing you get flung around like a rag doll by grown ass adults.

Y/N: May...

Aunt May: And then there's that Stalin mustache asshole on the news who always blames you for the city's problems.

Well...she's not wrong there. Can't ever catch a break from that guy.

Y/N: I'm sorry...but-

Aunt May: But I know why you feel like you have to. You have these amazing gifts, and unlike the people you've had to face off against, you actually use them for good.

She looks at all my homework.

Aunt May: But I need you to start prioritizing Y/N things instead of Spider-Man things.

She looks back at me.

Aunt May: you think you can keep your nose clean for a bit?

Well it's not like I can just let deranged lunatics run around New York doing as they please.

Y/N: I can try...but I can't let people like the Vulture, Electro, Rhino, Kraven and Scorpion just wreak havoc.

She gives me a tight lipped smile.

Aunt May: I know, but maybe let the police do their jobs with street level crimes?

Y/N: Okay...but if I see something happening in front of me-

Aunt May: Then you'll act I know...they really don't cover "What to do when my nephew has superpowers" in parenting books.

She laughs a little causing me to laugh.

Aunt May: So can you just stay out of trouble Spider-Man trouble for a bit? And I dunno maybe get into a little normal people trouble every now and then?

Well...if it'll keep her from worrying too much.

Y/N: Yeah...yeah I can.

She smiles before giving me a tight hugging earning a groan from me.

Y/N: Sore sore sore.

Aunt May: Oh I know.

She lets go before walking out of my room.

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