Stinging Sensation

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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

I grab Gwen's hand without much thought.

Y/N: We have to go now!

I start to run towards the door as an entire manhole cover is thrown into the building. It comes sailing towards us from behind.

Y/N: Down!

I pull Gwen down to the ground.

Gwen: Y/N!

Y/N: C'mon back up we have to go!

I hear a loud thud behind us. I whip around and see the Scorpion now standing in the room we just left.

Scorpion: You can't run from me!

Gwen: Stay away from us!

I see his tail come flying towards us. I quickly push Gwen away before flipping over the incoming attack.

Gwen: How did?

Y/N: Not important!

I grab her hand and take off running again.

This is bad. Really bad. I have to make sure Gwen gets as far from the scorpion as possible.

We don't get too far as the Scorpion's tail bursts through a nearby wall. It narrowly misses us as the Scorpion bursts through the severely damaged wall.

Scorpion: There you are Gwen!

Gwen: Mac get away!

Scorpion: I am not Mac Gargan anymore!

His tail coils around him ready to strike.

Scorpion: I am the Scorpion!

His tail shoots out towards Gwen. With no other choice left I jump in front of Gwen and grab hold of the tail.

I make it a point to grab under the stinger to avoid being poisoned again.

Scorpion: Huh?

Gwen: Y/N?

Y/N: Get out of here Gwen! Now!

He retracts his tail pulling me along with it. He swings the tail towards a wall slamming me into it.

But I don't let go of his tail. I pull back and keep him from chasing after the frozen in place Gwen.

Y/N: Now Gwen! Hurry! I can't hold him for long!

Her eyes just widen as she stares at me in disbelief.

Scorpion flails his tail wildly now slamming me into the nearby walls. My grip slackens which is enough for him to shake me off before coiling his tail around me.

Gwen: No Y/N!

He pulls me in close.

Scorpion: Oh now I remember where I've seen you before. You're Y/N L/N. I know I was right. So why deny people the truth?

I grit my teeth and struggle in his grip.

Scorpion: Oh well. If you aren't him, then you'll die soon.

He looks at Gwen.

Scorpion: Very soon.

Gwen: Put him down! I'm the one you want!

He looks at me.

Gwen: Take me instead! He needs help...

Scorpion: You come with me where everyone can see what happens to people like you. In exchange for this boy's life.

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