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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N: Woah easy there big guy!

I jump over Rhino's fist before firing a web onto a goon's chest and turning them into a human flail. I slam them into their friends before cloaking.

Y/N: How about some Marco Polo?

Rhino looks around in a confused manner.

Rhino: Marco?

Y/N: Polo!

I punch him across the face and instantly regret the decision as my hand starts to sting.

Y/N: Yowch!

I swing away before sticking to a building.

Y/N: Ah looks like you don't have many friends left Rhino.

The remaining 10 or so mobsters aim their rifles at me. Their guns bark out a storm of lead as I jump off the building.

Y/N: Whew you guys have bad aim!

I land on one of their shoulders before an all out brawl ensues.

I trade punches and kicks with the mobsters. A few find their way into my stomach, thighs, and even a fist across the face.

But nonetheless I manage to drop all of the remaining mobsters.

Y/N: Alright looks like it's just you and me Rhino.

Rhino: Perfect.

He charges at me and I fire a web onto his face blinding him before webbing a manhole cover towards me.

Y/N: Fetch!

I hurl the cover into the Rhino's face and it shatters.

Y/N: Seriously what is your skin care routine?

Rhino: Stop talking!

He takes wild swings at me still unable to see. His fists collide into nearby cars as I effortlessly dodge the attacks.

Y/N: Okay now what? Plan A isn't exactly viable right now.

He tears off the webbing before smirking at me.

Rhino: Too weak spider!

I notice the recently dealt with mobsters get back up. I'm now surrounded.

Y/N: Oh c'mon really? I thought I knocked you out!

Mobster: We're Russians.

Y/N:...okay yeah that tracks.

Rhino: Give up and die!

Y/N: Not gonna happen ugly.

And then the calvary finally arrives. The national guard and NYPD all arrive on scene quickly surrounding the Russians.

Y/N: Oh thank god Captain Stacy's backup was actually good backup.

I quickly web away from them.

Y/N: Alright guys now I think you should give up.

The mobsters lay down their arms. However the Rhino roars.

Y/N: Of course. Why is it never easy?

The Rhino charges towards the surrounding forces. I quickly web people out of the way as Rhino charges and plows through a tank. A literal tank.

Y/N: Oh come on!

Rhino starts to run away and no one can really stop him.

Y/N: Can I leave these guys to you? Cool? Cool.

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