Arachnid Attack

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Leeez gooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a burning apartment. Behind me is my friend Gwen Stacy. In front of me is Mac Gargan, or better yet the Scorpion.

Y/N: Say Gargan you're looking a little green, eat something weird recently?

His tail shoots out in a stabbing motion towards us. I quickly pull Gwen down with me as I drop to the floor.

Gwen: What is up with that thing!

Y/N: Ah right let me get you out of here first.

I reach out to grab her only to turn my head and see the tail turned sideways. It smacks into both of us.

Y/N: Hang on!

I fire a web onto Gwen and pull her to me right before we make contact with a wall.

Y/N: Mmm...yeah this isn't gonna be fun.

Scorpion: Ever the hero Spider-Man.

He gets down onto all floors like some weird human-animal hybrid...arachnid? Yeesh got the heeby geebies just thinking about how our names are related.

As he closes in his tail snakes around to my left before stabbing towards me.

Y/N: Yuh-oh!

I quickly shoot up onto my feet and manage to stop the stinger with both of my hands but the darn thing pushes hard to try and stab me.

Scorpion: But playing the hero role will only get you killed.

I feel my spider sense kick in as I narrowly dodge a right hook. It's then followed up with an uppercut from his left hand.

Gwen: Look out!

A beam engulfed in fire falls down towards the three of us. I quickly kick Scorpion away causing his tail to jerk back with him. I then turn my attention to the beam and catch it.

Y/N: Augh! Hot hot hot!

I feel my hands burn as I try to keep the beam from trapping us.

Y/N: Get to the hole in the wall!

Gwen: What?!

Y/N: I can't protect you and fight him and that tail at the same time!

Scorpion: Taking the easy way out are we Spider-Man?

I watch as the tip of his tail sails towards Gwen. With no time to waste I push the beam up into the air before moving in front of Gwen.

The tip of the tail stabs into my right shoulder as I catch the beam again.

Y/N: Rrrr agh!

Gwen: Spider-Man!

Y/N: No time...get away from the beam!

This time she does as I tell her.

Scorpion: You're not going anywhere!

He starts to pull the tail back but with Gwen now out of the way I let go of the beam before getting away from under it. I then grab hold of the tail to keep it from going after Gwen.

Y/N: Jump!

Gwen: What?!

Scorpion: Ah the hero finally lost it?

Y/N: Trust me!

Gwen: O-Okay!

She runs towards the hole as I fire a taser web onto Scorpion. The electricity sails into him causing him to yell in pain. I let go of his tail before pulling it out of my arm.

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