Just Be Normal

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Lezzz gooo I know I'm neglecting my other stories but I'm just having fun with this.

Y/N's POV:

I walk through the halls of our school. It's our lunch period and i'm off to find Jai. Felicia walks next to me.

Felicia: So what are you two nerds doing this weekend?

Y/N: I was going to go over to his place and help with the robot he's doing for robotics.

Felicia: Yup it would be nerd stuff. I take it your not going to Gwen's birthday party?

Y/N: No? I didn't even realize it was her birthday.

Felicia: Typical Y/N, heads too filled with nerd stuff.

Y/N: I take it your going?

Felicia: Well that all depends on you actually. I don't wanna go alone since I plan to get trashed.

Y/N: And you need someone to get you home.

Felicia: Precisely dear Watson. It's simply elementary.

Y/N: If anything i'm Sherlock.

Felicia: So i'll meet you at your place say 6?

Y/N: Doesn't matter what I have to say does it.

Felicia: Nope.

Y/N: See you Saturday night I suppose? It is a Saturday right?

Felicia: Yes and yes. Now run along to your dear nerd friend.

And that's how I got invited to a party. Okay well not really an invite from the host but if Felicia is going then it should be okay for me to go right?

Let's see what else has happened as of late? Sable left the school but I doubt that's the last i'll be seeing of her. Doctor Octavius is back so class is going pretty easy.

Oh and the new suit. So some things I learned about it. It's reinforced so whenever I get hit it doesn't hurt that bad. The lenses are reactive so they mirror my eye motion, they also automatically tint to deal with bright lights.

Oh yeah and it has Bluetooth.

Thankfully I haven't had any bounty hunters coming after me. But that doesn't mean i've let up on Fisk. I've been going to just about anything with his name on it and trying to gather evidence against him.

But just my luck either they burn the evidence, or it gets blown up. But then again these guys are being paid quite a lot to keep their bosses name out of things.

But overall i'm starting to get the hang of this Spider-Man thing. However the whole Y/N L/N part of my life is getting harder to maintain.

It's hard living a double life. But i've got no other choice.

So this party, is just a way for me to try and balance my life out. Try and be a normal kid for a night.

There's a knock at the apartment door. I'm in my room in the middle of getting ready.

May: I'll get it!

Y/N: No wait May!

But it's too late for me to stop her. I come bounding out of my room and find May looking at Felicia then at me.

May: Are you Y/N's girlfriend?

Y/N: Mayyyy!

Felicia: No no, he's too smart of a boy to be distracted by girls.

May: But I do hear him sneaking out every night.

Uh-oh that's not too good.

Y/N: I uhm...don't know what your talking bout May.

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