A New Threat

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Leeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

I close my textbook before letting out a relieved sigh.

Y/N: Finally...man that was tougher than I expected.

I look over at a pile of completed work. All of their deadlines being today.

Jai: You seriously are getting too good at finishing assignments last minute.

Y/N: Yeah just been busy lately is all.

Jai: You don't even go out.

Y/N: Yeah yeah whatever.

The bell rings for our first class of the day.

Jai: Aaaand now it's time to go get even more work.

Y/N: Yippie.

Sarcasm oozes from my voices as we walk towards our class.

3rd Person POV:

Across the city we find an unknown figure laughing to themself. Before them is a peculiar devices that resembles a glider.

The figure begins to load the glider with what looks like orange hand grenades.

???: Its about time I gave them a piece of my mind.

The figure then starts to dawn a green suit. They reach for a helmet that completes the set.

???: Let's pay them a little visit shall we?

Y/N's POV:

Gym class rolls around and I have the great misfortune of jogging slowly on the school's track.

Jai keeps pace with me as we both complain about the run and find things to talk about to distract us.

Jai: And that's why Din Djarin is the best dad in Star Wars.

Y/N: They could've called the show The Dadalorian.

Jai: Missed opportunity.

Y/N: So if the child went with pre-nerfed Luke to be trained...does that mean he was at that school that got vibe checked by wannabe Vader?

Jai: Huh...I'd hope not.

We eventually come to a stop and sit on the bleachers. I look to my left and see Gwen walking towards us.

Gwen: Hey Jai have you heard about what just happened at OSCORP?

Jai: Huh?

Gwen: Yeah the board room was bombed.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Jai: What?! Is Mr. Osborn okay?

Gwen: No one's seen him.

Y/N: Back up, did you say bombed?

She looks at me and nods.

Gwen: Bombed.

I look to Jai who has an uneasy look in his eyes. It's almost as if he knows something. But that can wait. I've got to get down ASAP.

Y/N: Oh man my stomach hurts...

I clutch my stomach.

Jai: You good man?

Y/N: Yeah I think I'm going to go and visit the nurse...

Jai: Here I'll walk you man.

Gwen: No it's fine I got him, I'm headed that way for a nasty shin splint anyway.

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