Primetime Showtime

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Leeeez gooo

3rd Person POV:

Atop the Empire State Building a dire scene begins to unfold. Gwen Stacy is dangled over a thousand feet in the air by a deranged Scorpion.

The only person capable of stopping the Scorpion, Spider-Man, stares him down. Unknown words are exchanged between Spider-Man and Scorpion before Spider-Man leaps towards Scorpion.

Y/N's POV:

I leap off the wall towards the Scorpion. My main goal right now is to get Gwen away from this guy.

Scorpion: Bring it Spider-Man!

He swings his tail at me with Gwen still wrapped in it.

I quickly plant my feet and catch the tail to prevent it from smashing into me and slamming a defenseless Gwen into the wall.

Y/N: Leave her out of this Gargan!

Scorpion: Don't call me that!

His tail starts to push harder now. I dig my heels in and hold it at bay.

Scorpion: Let go Spider-Man. Can't beat me while trying to save the broad.

I look over at him before firing a web at his mouth.

Y/N: I don't think you should be calling a minor that.

He struggles for a second before he rips the webbing off.

Scorpion: Fine then, you can't save the road paste!

He swings his tail backwards causing me to let go. He then hurls Gwen off of the building.

Y/N: Gwen!

I sprint towards the edge of the building but end up having to backflip over an incoming stinger aimed for my back.

I land on his tail before quickly webbing it down.

Y/N: Hang on!

I make it to the edge of the building before jumping off.

Her screams fill the air as I turn my body into a nose dive hoping it'll allow me to catch up to her in time.

The ground rapidly approaches as the buildings grow taller and the voices below get louder.

With not much time left I fire a web above me while I fall. With her now within arms reach i quickly grab ahold of her arm.

Y/N: Hang on hang on!

As third story of the Empire State Building approaches I pull her towards me before letting go. In that brief moment of me letting go i wrap my free arm around her back.

Y/N: Oh this is gonna suck!

The web i fired earlier attaches to the wall several stories above us. I then use it to slow our descent which in turn causes a loud popping noise to come out from my swinging arm.

Y/N: Augh!

I grit my teeth as we come to a stop.

Gwen: A-Are you okay?!

Y/N: Uhh ask me after I get done dealing with the whack job.

I lower us to the ground before handing her off to the surrounding first responders.

Y/N: It's not safe here everyone needs to vacate now!

A crowd of onlookers scream and point up wards. I follow their fingers and see the Scorpion scaling down the building using his tail to slow his descent.

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