They Found You Amusing

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Leeezzz gooo I swear we are finishing this villain arc before I leave.

Y/N's POV:

The Goblin begins to hurl bombs at me. I respond my kicking them back towards him causing the bombs to go off in front of him.

Y/N: Not a nice feeling huh?!

He charges through the smoke left by the explosion. The blades on the front of the glider extend and I duck under the glider.

Y/N: Missed me!

He grumbles something unintelligible before swinging back around.

Goblin: Why do you have to talk so much?!

Y/N: Eh motor mouth syndrome?

He charges me again and I roll to the side. At the last second his glider changes course and the blades on the side of his glider scrape against my arm.

My armor gets a fairly deep cut but thankfully my skin only experiences a slight cut.

Y/N: Aaaaand let's get you down from there cuz elf's don't fly!

I fire a web onto his back and yank him off the glider. He lands with a thud before getting up and grabbing hold of the web on him.

Goblin: Then we'll do this the fun way Spider-Man!

He pulls on my web and I go with it. As I near the Goblin I jump in air flipping towards him. As I come down I bring my leg down in an axe kick which hits its mark.

But in response he grabs me by my arm and holds me in place as he punches me across the face.

He follows it up by driving his knee into my stomach knocking the wind out of me.

I grit my teeth as I fire a web onto his face and yank it down causing him to flip and land on his face.

I then back away while catching my breath.

I knew the Goblin was strong going into this fight. His strength is like my own but unfiltered, filled with rage and no sense of self control.

I raise my fists as he gets back up and just laughs.

Goblin: That all you got spider?

My spider sense goes off as I backflip over his glider that attempted to ambush me.

While in the air I fire a web onto it and use whatever momentum I have to slam it into the ground damaging it.

I then turn and watch as a barrage of small throwable blades sail towards me.

Y/N: Oh that's new...

I contort my body in the air to avoid being impaled. However the blades still leave scratches against my armor.

Y/N: Seriously?

A bomb lands at my feet.

Goblin: Seriously.

I kick it up before kicking it towards him however the blast goes off right in front of me knocking me down.

I land on my back with a grunt as the Goblin now stands over me.

Goblin: I'm feeling nice tonight spider.

He stomps on my chest and I wince.

Goblin: Join me. You don't have to die here tonight.

I glare up at him.

Goblin: You and me could be friends spider. We're not so different are we?

Y/N: I could never be like you!

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