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Leeezzz gooo I absolutely hate college statistics with a passion

Felicia's POV:

The world around me is completely shut off as I'm blanketed in darkness. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. And I can't move my arms or legs.

The silence is deafening and near maddening. My thoughts echo in my head as if I was in a cave.

Finally I hear something. A heavy steel door opens underneath me...so I'm in a multi story building or at least 2 floors.

Footsteps almost impossible to hear, slowly stalk towards me.

I grow uneasy as I lose the footsteps. Did I imagine it?

Kraven: Your ears are better than I thought they'd be.

I jump a little at the sudden voice.

Kraven: You know why you're here.

Light fills my eyes as a blindfold is pulled off of me. My eyes dart around as it becomes very apparent I'm being held in an old office like building.

Kraven: Silver hair, green eyes and a younger build? Not exactly hard to track down Ms. Hardy.


Kraven: What's the matter?

He walks out in front of me with a large hunting knife in his hands. He runs the blade across his skin slowly and methodically.

Kraven: What is the saying? Cat got your tongue?

Felicia: How long?

Kraven: How long what?

Felicia: How long have you been following me?

Kraven: Not very long. At first it was tracking the Spider-Man.

He scratches the back of his neck with his knife.

Kraven: But he is a slippery target. Always somehow got away from my tracking.

He looks at me.

Kraven: But I noticed a woman he was always around. So I changed targets and tracked you.

He smiles a sadistic smile at me.

Kraven: And imagine my surprise when I listened in on your little rooftop conversation with the Spider-Man? You know exactly who he is.

He starts to approach me.

Kraven: Why don't you just tell me? And I'll let you run free unharmed.

Felicia: And if I don't?

He places the tip of his knife under my chin.

Kraven: There are many ways to make an animal talk. Injure a mother's cub and it'll cry for help, and the mother will walk right into a trap.

He starts to slowly press the knife into my chin nicking me.

Kraven: But you're a smart girl. So make the wise choice and just tell me.

Y/N L/N. He has the kindest heart in this world. A hard worker who in the time I've known him, out worked everyone in class.

Spider-Man. Has done nothing but fight hard for everyone in New York. Time and time again and again he was beaten down. But time and time again he pushed himself back onto his feet and stood defiantly against those that would wish harm on other people.

But they're one in the same. The same kid who I've seen go through years of being pushed around by other people, is the same kid who puts his life on the line for everyone here.

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