Concrete Jungle

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Leeeeezzz gooooo love getting random bursts of energy when I should be resting for work but oh well being a paintball ref aint that hard.

Y/N's POV:

I watch as Kraven escapes the campus unable to do anything.

Fear courses through my entire body as the prospect of Felicia talking and releasing my name to him is enough to paralyze me.

Jai: Yo Y/N!

He shakes my shoulders snapping me out of my dazed state.

Jai: C'mon man we're being evacuated.

He helps me to my feet and I look out the hole. Just who in the world am I dealing with here?

We enter the hallway filled with fellow panicking students. I look around and realize how easily it'd be to slip away in a sea of faces.

Identity aside.

I take a step around a corner that has a stairwell. I duck under the stairs before cloaking and slipping through my fellow students.

I'm still Spider-Man...and I cannot just let him get away with kidnapping Felicia or anyone for that matter.

I run outside and duck behind some dumpsters.

Y/N: Oh yeah that's ripe.

I throw off my clothes as I suit up ready for action.

Y/N: Alright let's do this.

I swing off and perch myself on the tallest building around me.

Y/N: Okay if I was some burly hunter looking dude where would I go?

My spider sense goes off as I quickly perform a back flip landing on the building's roof as a spear imbeds itself right where I was.

Kraven: Ah good Spider-Man. You've arrived.

I crouch down to the ground before looking around as Kraven appears on a different rooftop.

Y/N: Where's the girl Sasquatch?

Kraven: Sasquatch?

Y/N: Ever heard of a shave?

He chuckles.

Kraven: Yes yes this is the quick wit I've heard about.

Y/N: So you know who I am? Who sent you?

Kraven: I know of you Spider-Man. No one sent me.

He leaps from the other building and lands on my building. I back away instantly as he pulls out the spear from earlier.

Y/N: Still never answered my question. Where's the girl?

Kraven: Somewhere safe.

He points the spear towards me.

Kraven: I have hunted every animal on this planet. And not one of them has challenged me. But you Spider-Man.

He charges towards me.

Kraven: Might just put up the fight I'm looking for!

He stabs the spear towards my chest and I quickly get low and try to sweep his legs.

He jumps over my sweep and slams the pole section of his spear onto the top of my head.

I groan and quickly cloak myself. Can't afford to dance around with this one.

Kraven: Hiding are we spider?

He closes his eyes as I circle around him. Once I get behind him I fire a web towards his back. But he whips around and grabs hold of my web.

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