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We're just going to keep going while I have steam hope that's alright.

Y/N's POV:

I duck under the metal pipe of a goon dressed to the nines. Suit and all.

Y/N: Woah there buddy you might wanna put that back!

I backflip over his friend that came up from behind with a baseball bat. The two goons run into each other and i web them together.

Y/N: Well that was pretty easy all things considered.

I dust my hands off before reaching into my bag. As I go to write down my message on a sticky note I feel my head tingle.

As if on auto pilot I leap over a cop car barreling towards me. It crashes into a pole.

Y/N: Woah there officers I'm one of the good guys.

I cling to a wall and look down at them. The two officers step out of the car and take aim at me.

Y/N: Oh yikes what happened to protect and sever?!

I leap over gunfire before webbing their guns and yanking them away. I then wag my finger at them.

Y/N: Tsk tsk tsk cmon you guys had way too loose of a grip.

I quickly web one of them to a wall while the other makes a run for it. They don't get far before I web their foot and quickly hang them upside down on a lamp post.

Y/N: Hmm crooked cops?

I walk over to the hanging one and see their wallet fall out of their pocket. I bend down to grab it when a piece of paper floats down in front of me.

Y/N: Oh hello there.

I snatch the piece of paper and see it's folded up. So I unfold it and find a message.

Y/N: Deal with the spider signed Boss?

I turn to the hanging cop as the sounds of sirens bounce off of the wall.

Y/N: I'm guessing your chief didn't write this, which begs the question. Just who are you working for? And I bet it's the same as those two bozos I dealt with.

Cop: As if I'd tell ya! The boss would kill me and my family if word got out.

Y/N: This boss huh...well seeing as how I'm nice and don't really want your families untimely demise weighing on me I won't ask who they are.

I pull him closer to me.

Y/N: Buuuut answer me this pretty please, are they some super influential untouchable person?

The cop nods and I let him go.

Y/N: Thats all I needed, take care officer.

I stick a sticky note to his forehead and swing off. Now there are only three people who come to mind when it comes to influential and untouchable.

That being Norman Osborn CEO of OSCORP. Hammerhead who's a mob boss. And Wilson Fisk CEO of Fisk Industries.

I perch myself on a rooftop and look down at the city street below. I put my hand under my chin in a thinking manner.

Y/N: I haven't done anything to Osborn except get my powers from him. I haven't busted any mobsters...well except for those two earlier but there's no way they had orders to come after me since I haven't had a mob run in.

I glance at the large Fisk Tower and nod to myself.

Y/N: Which leaves you big guy. I'm willing to bet you don't exactly like me cleaning up the street of your influences.

I get up and swing off.

Y/N: Time to play detective...but first math homework or else May's going to kill me if she finds out I missed an assignment.

3rd Person POV:

On a nearby rooftop unseen by the web-head we find a silver haired woman laying prone.

She wears a skin tight silver suit of sorts. Tactical bags adorn her slim waist. On her back is a sword and in her hands is a modified sniper rifle.

In her sights is the web-head. She watches as he swings away.

???: So that's the target? Not very impressive.

She speaks in a heavy Russian-like accent. She then looks down at a notepad she has lined up next to her.

???: Those four served their purpose. Target is clearly in their teens, both build and language confirm it.

She catches one last glance at the web slinger.

???: Target is most likely a Queens resident due to him frequenting the area at the end of nightly patrols.

She pulls out a data pad.

???: Bag suggests the target isn't able to afford private school. Time to pay a visit.

She stands up from her position. The moon casts its glow on her porcelain skin.

???: Very well then. The hunt is on little spider.

Y/N's POV:

I groggily walk into my first period class. A quick scan of the room and I spot the words sub work on the wall.

Y/N: Hope the doc gets better.

I take my seat next to Jai.

Jai: You look like shit.

Y/N: Thank you Jai your America's sweetheart.

Jai: I'm here all week unfortunately.

I start pulling out my notebook and setting it down on my desk.

Jai: It's been a whole week since doc was here, you think he's doing okay with his treatments?

Y/N: I dunno I hope so.

The man we're referring to is none other than Doctor Otto Octavius. He's the chem/physics teacher here. But as of late he's been absent getting some type of genetical disease treated.

Jai: Heard we're getting a new one this time around.

Y/N: Think we'll actually actually learn anything?

Jai: Eh most of the suns just play those stupid educational videos. I bet it's going to be some double neck pit stained mouth breather.

It's then we hear the sounds of heels hitting against the tile floors. All eyes are drawn to the door.

Jai: Holy shit.

In walks a beautiful woman. She wears a silver work dress that somehow clings to her slim figure. Her silver hair bounces with each step she takes.

The boys jaws drop. The girls whisper amongst themselves comparing themselves to the woman with her back to the class.

She starts to write on the white board. Every moves makes exudes confidence.

She then spins on her heel to address us. I feel her eyes scan us all over almost like a hunter hunting it's prey.

???: Good morning class. I am Silver Sablinova, you will call me Ms. Sablinova.

Aaaand scene

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