Petting Zoo

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Leeezz gooo

Y/N: So what should I call you big guy?

The roid monster in front of me growls before hurling another car at me. Seriously?

I jump out of the way of the car before landing back on the ground.

Y/N: Well let's see you've got a big horn on your head.

He charges towards me and swings both of his fists downwards towards me. I quickly roll to the side before cloaking myself.

Y/N: How about Horn-y man? Get it? Horn?

The man roars as I fire a web onto his chest and pull myself in. As I'm about to punch him across the face he catches me with one of his ginormous hands.

He starts to squeeze me in his grasp and I finally get a good look at his face.

Y/N: Didn't I kick your ass a few weeks ago?

I groan as he squeezes harder. Then he finally speaks.

???: You. Will. Pay. Spider-Man.

Y/N: Cash or debit?

He then spikes me into the ground like a football...American football not the one you kick around in a grassy field for 90+ minutes.

Y/N: Yup that hurt.

As I begin to stand up he grabs me by the throat and repeatedly lifts me up and slams be back down.

???: You. Made. Me. Like. This.

I groan before webbing his face.

Y/N: Might wanna check your facts big guy.

I fire a web behind me and yank myself away from him before sticking to the side of a building.

Y/N: Okay...I think I'm going to call you Rhino. That alright with you?

He roars and charges towards me. He lowers his head with the intent to impale me so I leap over him and fire two webs onto his shoulders.

As I land behind him I try to pull the webs to bring him down but he doesn't budge.

Y/N: Man you are really heavy!

He swings his fist backwards towards me. I quickly bring my hands up to block the attack only to get sent flying down the street and smashing into a dumpster.

Pain explodes in my back as I try to get back up. Except Rhino's already charging towards me.

I fire a web above me and thankfully am able to pull myself away in time for him to impale the dumpster I was just against.

He's strong. Incredibly strong. But not that fast.

I look down the street and see as the police i was with earlier start to pull back. But Rhino turns to them with a smirk.

Rhino: You. Can't. Save. Everyone!

He charges towards the police and I swing after him.

As I get behind Rhino ready to pass him up he turns around.

Y/N: Oh that's not goo-

He rams his shoulder into my chest and the wind is knocked out of me followed by the sounds of bones snapping.

Y/N: Augh!

I end up sprawled out on the floor wheezing for air as I hold my chest.

Damn that hurts. It hurts a lot.

He then stands over me.

Rhino: Every. Day. I. Wait. For. This. Moment.

I weakly chuckle.

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