Sable's Gift

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Lez goooo

Y/N's POV:

I finish up webbing the last of Fisk's men at one of his construction sites. These guys were in the middle of unloading weapon containers.

I glance over at the group of ten men all webbed up in a cocoon of sorts.

Y/N: Really guys? I mean I get the weapons their for Fisk. But couldn't you have at least worn a hard hat?

I slap a stick note onto a crate of weapons. The sticky note reads out "no no guns".

Y/N: Everyone comfortable up there?

My only answer is a bunch of annoyed groans.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes.

I go ahead and make myself a web hammock. I test it's durability before climbing into it.

Y/N: And now we just wait.

It's not long before my relaxation comes to an end. My head goes haywire warming me of impending danger. I jump out of the hammock in time to dodge a bullet from a certain bounty hunters pistol.

Y/N: Oh cmon I just made that!

Sable: Sorry to cut your fun short spider.

I fire a web onto a wall and cling to it.

Y/N: Yeah well I was waiting for you.

Sable: And why would that be?

Y/N: See I was hoping you'd be able to give me information on your client. Like how I can maybe get passed his armed security or who I can actually trust to bring him down?

Sable: What kind of hunter would I be if I disclosed my clients information?

Y/N: A really nice one?

She shoots at me and I leap off the wall before firing webs at her. She dodges the webs with ease before shooting at me again.

She fires three shots at me. I duck under the first shot before leaning away from the second. However the third grazes my shoulder.

I hiss and grab my arm. Damn this hurts more than I thought it would.

Y/N: Okay yeah that's ripe.

She pulls the sword off of her back before slashing at my chest. I leap over her blade before kicking the back of her head.

She spins around and grabs my leg before slamming me down into the ground. I groan before rolling away as she stabs her sword down at where my head was a mere second ago.

As I get up she stabs her blade at me. With not much time to get away I fire a web at her face causing her to miss her initial target. Instead the ends up grazing the right side of my abdomen.

With her vision impaired I punch her across the face. I then fire a web at her sword before yanking it away from her.

Y/N: Okay lady let's finish this.

I glance at my costume and take in the damage to it. Along with the blood staining the blue of my suit.

Y/N: I've got a killer history test tomorrow and I'd really like to get at least three hours of sleep.

She gets up and rubs the side of her face. She smirks before pulling out her pistol.

Sable: Very well then spider.

She's a good distance away. Even if I fire a web to get closer to her she'll just shoot at me. Which means i've got to cloak.

Y/N: Ready or not.

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