The Mob

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Lezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

Liz: Not to sound ungrateful, but how the hell did you do that?

Gwen: You were pretty far away from me. So how?

Ah shit.

Y/N: I uhm...adrenaline rush?

I clear my throat.

Y/N: I also watched all the Karate Kid movies.

Which isn't a lie but doesn't really apply to this situation.

Y/N: Let's get a move on out of here?

Liz: Agreed, too much excitement for one day.

We start walking home. During the walk I notice one of two things.

One there's a newly opened Wetzle Pretzel across the street, those cinna-bites are calling my name. Two we're being tailed by some Russian looking thugs. How do I know they're Russian?

Well movies taught me many things about stereotypical Russians. They wear Adidas track suits, gold chains, some type of facial scar and they reek of vodka.

They follow us all the way to Liz's apartment complex. I look up and see that they repaired the hole in the wall I caused.

Liz: I'll see you guys later.

Gwen: Bye Liz.

The two share a quick goodbye hug. And then I even get a goodbye hug. Which is kinda sad to say a very rare occurrence in my life. May doesn't count.

After she walks inside that leaves me and Gwen. The group of men still following yet Gwen never notices.

And we make it to her home.

Gwen: Hey uhm thanks for today.

Y/N: Oh no worries, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

She turns away from me. From behind I catch the slightest glimpse of red of her face.

Gwen: I'll see you later yeah?

Y/N: Yeah of course.

She goes inside and that's when I notice the men disperse. Did they follow us just to see where Gwen lived? 

I have a bad feeling about this. I need to get home and get changed into my suit. I don't trust these guys at all.

I get home and am greeted with an empty house. May must've left already.

I glance over at the clock on the wall. 5 minutes until 6o'clock. Thank fuck I can read an analogue clock.

Y/N: Alright just some average dudes. No need to worry about super humans. I can still take it easy today.

I go into my small room and reach for my suit. No need for the goofy looking Electro suit. Regular will do just fine.

I groan as I slip my suit onto my sore body.

Y/N: I have got to get a better day job. Hell at least a minimum wage job.

I grab my mask and rub my thumb against the eye lenses.

Y/N: Anything's better than getting kicked around by stupidly strong people with grudges.

I slip my mask on and open my window.

Y/N: Alright then let's go to work.

I dive out of my window before swinging off. I take a brief second to launch myself into the air.

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