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Leeeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I find myself in my school's library with Jai and Felicia. The three of us are attempting to study...and by study I mean Jai and I are trying to help Felicia achieve decent enough grades to get into a decent school.

Jai: So if you have three apples.

Felicia: I swear to god Jai.

Jai: And I take two of them away.

Felicia: Don't finish that question.

Jai: How many apples do you have left?

She smacks the back of his head. He groans before apologizing to her.

Y/N: Well you know what they say about stupid games and stupid prizes.

Jai: Yeah yeah. Anyway is this all making a little more sense?

Felicia: No...guys why even bother?

Jai: Y/N's idea.

She looks at me and I hold my hands up in a surrender manner.

Felicia: So I have you to thank for this?

Jai: Yeah someone's all worried about you.

He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

Y/N: Shutup.

His phone goes off and he steps away for a second.

Felicia: So you do care huh?

Y/N: I uhh...well you see.

Jai comes back and starts collecting his things.

Jai: Sorry to leave but I just got a call from OSCORP. Norman wants me to come in right now.

Y/N: Oh alright, yeah well see you later?

Jai: Yeah, later guys.

He waves as he walks away.

Once he's gone i look down at the notebook in front of me with practice problems. Felicia moves to sit next to me. Her hand finds it's way to rest on top of my own.

Y/N: H-Huh?

Felicia: You know we never had a chance to talk about...that night~

I gulp a little.

Y/N: W-Which night?

Felicia: The night a little spider and I kissed~

She starts to lean closer to me. Her presence alone is intoxicating.

Y/N: O-Oh that o-one.

My body freezes up unwilling to move. Which I don't exactly hate.

Felicia: Yeah~ that one~

I turn my head to look at her. She in return looks back up at me. Her eyes somehow shine brighter than any emerald ever could shine.

I don't know when it happened. But our faces draw dangerously close. Lips just inches away from my own.

A book slams down onto the table startling me.

Flash: Oh sorry did we interrupt something?

Behind him are five other kids. Each one snickering.

Felicia: As a matter of a fact you did.

Flash: You going to let her do all the talking for you every single time huh piss pants?

I let out a sigh before standing up.

Flash: Oh? Finally growing a pair huh piss pants?

Felicia looks at me knowing exactly what I'm capable of.

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